Legends of the Middle Ages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Legends of the Middle Ages.

Legends of the Middle Ages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Legends of the Middle Ages.
CAM’E-LOT.  Palace at, 211, 218;
  feast at, 217;
  twelve kings buried at, 218;
  Lancelot at, 220, 221;
  knights assemble at, 224;
  appearance of Holy Grail at, 225;
  knights return to, 226;
  Guinevere’s feast at, 226;
  funeral barge arrives at, 228;
  Lancelot leaves and returns to, 229. 
CAM-PE-A-DOR’.  Title given to Cid, 289, 290. 
CAN’TER-BUR-Y TALES.  Troilus and Cressida in, 305. 
CA-PE’TIAN KINGS.  Ogier reaches France during reign of one of, 138;
  origin of race of, 181. 
CAP-PA-DO’CIA.  Berillus from, 185. 
CAR’DU-EL.  Same as Carlisle, 208;
  knights assemble at, 209. 
CAR-LISLE’.  See Carduel
  Naismes the Nestor of, 144. 
CAR’RI-ON, COUNTS or INFANTES OF.  Marry Cid’s daughters, 295;
  cowardice of, 295;
  Cid’s followers gibe at, 296;
  illtreat their wives, 296;
  Alfonso’s anger with, 297;
  before the Cortes, 297;
  challenged, 297;
  defeat of, 298. 
CAS-SI-VEL-LAU’NUS.  Tristan may be a contemporary of, 234;
  a descendant of Brutus, 309. 
CAS-TILE’.  Invasion of, 283, 289;
  Calahorra near, 286;
  Don Sancho king of, 288;
  Cid and Don Sancho return to, 289;
  Cid’s raid in, 294. 
CHAMP DE MARS.  The Frank assembly, 36. 
CHAN’SON DE RO’LAND.  Sung at Hastings, 130;
  most famous version of Roland’s death, 147. 
CHAR’LE-MAGNE.  Conquers Lombardy, 88, 129, 137;
  and his paladins, 129-151;
  favorite hero of mediaeval literature, 129;
  champion of Christianity, 129;
  fabulous adventures of, 129;
  Einhard son-in-law of, 130;
  chansons de gestes referring to, 130;
  receives angel’s visit, 130;
  conspirators punished by, 131;
  and Frastrada, 131;
  affection of for Turpin, 132;
  founds Aix-la-Chapelle, 133;
  and the boy Roland, 134;
  asks for jewel of knight of the Ardennes, 134;
  knights Roland, 135;
  makes war against Denmark, 135;
  releases Ogier, 136;
  insulted by Ogier, 136;
  appearance of, 136, 137, 141;
  and Ogier, 137;
  quarrels with Duke of Genoa, 139;
  Roland champion of, 139;
  vow and pilgrimage of, 139;
  peers of, 139;
  vision of, 140;
  besieges Pamplona, 140;
  pilgrimage of to Compostela, 140;
  Aigolandus revolts against, 141;
  challenged by Ferracute, 141;
  sends Ogier to fight Ferracute, 142;
  dove alights on, 143;
  wars in Spain, 143;
  sends embassy to Marsiglio, 144;
  retreat of, 144;
  hears Roland’s horn, 145;
  Turpin celebrates mass before, 147;
  returns to Roncesvalles, 147;
  orders trial of Ganelon, 148;
  Aymon a peer of, 152;
  character of, 152;
  wars against Aymon, 153;
  treats with Aymon, 154;
  coronation of at Rome, 155;
  hostility toward sons of Aymon, 156;
  captures sons of Aymon, 157;
Project Gutenberg
Legends of the Middle Ages from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.