Legends of the Middle Ages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Legends of the Middle Ages.

Legends of the Middle Ages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Legends of the Middle Ages.
BRANG’WAINE.  Attendant of Iseult, 240;
  confidante of Iseult, 242;
  Ganhardin falls in love with image of, 244. 
BREI’SACH.  Harlungs dwell at, 123. 
BRE’KA.  Enters into swimming match with Beowulf, 12. 
BRET’LAND.  Sote buried in, 251. 
BRI-SIN’GA-MEN.  Necklace given to Beowulf, 15. 
BRIT’AIN.  Same as Bertanga land, 123;
  Uther and Pendragon’s wars in, 208;
  Holy Grail vanishes from, 208;
  named by Brutus, 309;
  invaded by Romans, 309. 
BRITISH MUSEUM.  Manuscripts in, 9. 
BRIT’ONS.  War of, 208. 
BRIT’TA-NY.  Soltane, forest in, 188;
  Broceliande in, 212;
  Arthur’s campaign in, 217;
  Ban king of, 219;
  Lancelot retires to, 230;
  Arthur’s second campaign in, 230;
  Tristan goes to, 243;
  Tristan returns to, 244. 
BRO-CE-LI-AN’DE.  Forest in Brittany, 212. 
BRONS.  Brother-in-law of Joseph of Arimathea, 184. 
BROWN.  Sent to summon Reynard, 39;
  arrives at Malepartus, 39;
  caught in tree trunk, 40;
  returns to court, 41;
  injuries of, 43;
  imprisonment of, 46;
  release of, 47. 
BRUN’HILD.  Gunther wishes to marry, 58;
  test of strength of, 60;
  defeat of, 60;
  leaves her own country, 62;
  objects to Kriemhild’s marriage, 62;
  binds Gunther, 63;
  is conquered by Siegfried, and loses fabulous strength, 63;
  invites Siegfried and Kriemhild to Worms, 64;
  quarrels with Kriemhild, 64;
  in care of Rumolt, 75;
  son of made king of Burgundy, 85;
  Aslaug daughter of, 274. 
BRU’TE.  See Brutus
BRU’TUS.  Metrical romance of, 307;
  descendant of Aeneas, 307;
  adventures of, 307-309;
  descendants of, 309. 
BU’CAR.  Besieges Valencia, 298;
  retreat of, 299. 
BUCH-AN’AN.  Poem of on Roland, 130. 
BUR’GOS.  Cid born at, 282;
  Ximena at, 284;
  inhabitants weep at Cid’s departure from, 293. 
BUR-GUN’DI-ANS.  Siegfried challenges, 56;
  Nibelungs support king of, 61;
  Nibelungs angry with, 69;
  nobles escort Kriemhild, 73;
  often called Nibelungs, 75;
  warnings conveyed to, 77;
  see hostility of Huns, 79;
  kindly treated by Etzel, 79;
  murder of squires of, 80;
  bloody fight of, 81;
  bravery of, 82;
  slaughter of, 83;
  name Gunther’s son king, 85;
  Hagen a hostage for, 124. 
BUR’GUN-DY.  King and queen of, 53;
  Siegfried goes to, 55;
  threatened invasion of, 56;
  Brunhild receives king of, 59;
  Kriemhild remains in, 69;
  Kriemhild wishes to leave, 71;
  Kriemhild’s brothers return to, 73;
  chaplain returns to, 76;
  Etzel promises to send his son to, 80;
  Etzel makes peace with, 124;
  Hagen returns to, 124;
  Gunther, king of, 124. 
CA-LA-HOR’RA.  On frontier between Castile and Aragon, 286. 
CAM’BER.  Son of Brutus, names Cambria, 309. 
CAM’BRI-A.  Named after Camber, 309. 
Project Gutenberg
Legends of the Middle Ages from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.