Legends of the Middle Ages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Legends of the Middle Ages.

Legends of the Middle Ages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Legends of the Middle Ages.
BEL’LI-GAN.  City of, 106. 
BEL-LIS-SAN’DE.  Wife of Ogier, 136. 
BEL’LYN.  Escort of Reynard, 46;
  death of, 47;
  deceived by Reynard, 48;
  accused of treachery, 49. 
BEL’RI-PAR.  Capital of Conduiramour, 192;
  Kardeiss king of, 201. 
BE-NOIT’ DE SAINTE-MORE.  Poem of, 303;
  popularity of work of, 305. 
BE’O-WULF, 9-21;
  epic of, 9;
  resolves to visit Denmark, 11;
  honors won by, 12;
  arrival in Denmark, 13;
  guards Heorot and wounds Grendel, 13, 14;
  receives Brisingamen, 15;
  hears of Aeschere’s death, 15;
  and Grendel’s mother, 16, 17;
  regency of, 18;
  reign of, 19;
  adventure with dragon, 19, 20;
  death and burial of, 21. 
BERCH’THER OF ME’RAN.  Adviser of Rother, 89;
  sons of, 89;
  accompanies Rother, 90;
  guardian of Hugdietrich, 100;
  journey to Thessalonica, 101;
  finds Wolfdietrich. 102;
  foster father of Wolfdietrich, 103;
  warns Wolfdietrich against Rauch-Else, 104;
  Wolfdietrich remembers, 106;
  sons of delivered from captivity, 108;
  rewards given to sons of, 109. 
BERCH’TUNG.  See Berchther of Meran
BE-RIL’LUS.  Goes to Rome, 185. 
BERN.  Same as Verona, 77, 110;
  hero of, 115, 116, 126;
  Heime in, 115;
  Wittich in, 116;
  Dietrich returns to, 117, 121;
  Wildeber comes to. 117;
  Laurin a prisoner in, 120;
  Wittich’s return to, 122;
  Dietrich surrenders, 124;
  Dietrich’s triumphant entry into, 126. 
BER’NERS, LORD.  Translates “Huon of Bordeaux,” 163. 
BER’SERK-ER.  Rage, 24, 261;
  Atle a, 260. 
BER-TAN’GA LAND.  Same as Britain, 123. 
BER’THA.  I. Mother of Charlemagne, 129. 
BER’THA.  II.  Sister of Charlemagne and mother of Roland, 133. 
BERTHE’LOT.  Same as Charlot, 155. 
BER’WICK.  See Joyeuse Garde
BI’BUNG.  Dwarf protector of Virginal, 133. 
BJOeRN.  I. Confidant of Frithiof, 254;
  plays chess with Frithiof, 255;
  steers Ellida, 259;
  carries men ashore, 259;
  takes charge of Ellida, 264. 
BJOeRN.  II.  Son of Ragnar, 274. 
BLAISE.  A holy man who baptizes Merlin, 206. 
BLAIVE.  Roland buried at, 147;
  Lady Aude buried at, 149. 
BLANCHE’FLEUR.  Wife of Meliadus and mother of Tristan, 235. 
BLOe’DE-LIN.  Kriemhild bribes, 80. 
BOC-CAC’CIO.  Makes use of story of Griseldis, 302. 
BO’GEN.  Son of Hildburg. 103. 
BO’HORT.  Cousin of Lancelot, 219. 
BO-IAR’DO.  Writer of a version of the adventures of Roland, 130, 302;
  love of the marvelous shown in works of, 307. 
BOl-FRI-AN’A.  Captivity of, 116;
  Dietrich rescues, 117;
  Wittich marries, 122. 
BOOK OF HEROES.  Same as “Heldenbuch,” 86;
  Dietrich principal character in, 110. 
BOR-DEAUX’.  Huon in captivity in, 180. 
BORN’HOLM.  Viking born in, 247. 
BOUILLON (boo-yon’).  Godfrey of, 139. 
BRA-BANT’.  Else, Duchess of, 202. 
Project Gutenberg
Legends of the Middle Ages from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.