Legends of the Middle Ages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Legends of the Middle Ages.

Legends of the Middle Ages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Legends of the Middle Ages.
AT’TI-LA.  Same as Etzel, 94, 118;
  Theodoric born after death of, 128. 
AUCH-IN-LECK’ MANUSCRIPT.  Sir Otuel in the, 143. 
AUDE. (od) Beloved by Roland, 149. 
AU’DOIN.  King of Langobards, 86. 
AU-RE’LI-US AM-BRO’SI-US.  Son of Constans, 205. 
AV’A-LON.  Ogier to dwell in, 135;
  Morgana takes Ogier to, 138;
  Arthur in, 232. 
A’VARS.  Aymon wars against the, 152. 
A-VEN’TI-CUM.  See Wiflisburg
A’YA.  Aymon marries, 154;
  Aymon sends for, 154;
  goes to find her husband, 155;
  intercedes for her sons, 160;
  and Renaud, 161. 
AY’MON. Chansons de gestes relating to, 152;
  a peer of Charlemagne, 152;
  wages war against Charlemagne, 152;
  helped by Bayard and Malagigi, 153;
  besieged by Charlemagne, 153;
  flight and victories of, 154;
  Charlemagne makes peace with, 154;
  marriage of, 154;
  adventures of, 154;
  distributes his property, 155;
  recovery of, 155;
  flees from court, 156;
  a captive, 156;
  Turpin’s promise to, 156;
  oath of, 156;
  tries to seize his sons, 157;
  Malagigi frees sons of, 158;
  adventures of sons of, 158-161.

BAR’I-CAN.  King of Hyrcania, 171;
  Rezia dreams of, 171. 
BA-BIE’CA.  Steed of the Cid, 286;
  Cid’s ride to Zamora on, 291;
  offered to Alfonso, 297;
  Cid’s last ride on, 298, 299;
  end of, 300. 
BAB’Y-LON.  Ogier besieges, 138;
  same as Bagdad in mediaeval literature, 164;
  Alexander crowned at, 306. 
BAG-DAD’.  Huon to go to, 163, 163;
  same as Babylon, 164;
  Sherasmin indicates road to, 165;
  Huon resumes journey to, 169;
  Huon’s adventures in, 171. 
BAL’DER.  Shrine of, 254, 256, 257;
  temple of, 267. 
BA’LI-AN.  Seaport in Hagen’s kingdom, 26. 
BAL’TIC SEA.  Bornholm, island in the, 247. 
BAN.  Father of Lancelot, 219. 
BA’RI.  Capital of Rother, 89;
  arrival of magician’s vessel at, 93. 
BAU’TA.  A memorial stone for Beowulf, 21. 
BA-VA’RI-A.  Ruediger rides through, 71. 
BAY’ARD.  Aymon’s marvelous steed, 153;
  Satan steals, 153;
  Malagigi recovers, 153;
  Aymon saved by, 154;
  given to Renaud, 155;
  Renaud and his brothers escape on, 156;
  Renaud’s adventures in Paris with, 157;
  Renaud’s escape on, 158;
  timely kick of, 159;
  Charlemagne demands death of, 161. 
BECH-LAR’EN.  Ruediger of, 71, 120;
  Kriemhild at, 73;
  Burgundians at, 76. 
BED’I-VERE, SIR.  Finds Arthur dying, 231;
  bids Arthur farewell, 232. 
BEE HUNTER.  See Beowulf
BELE (be-la’).  Heir of Sogn, 249;
  replaced on throne, 250;
  conquers Orkney Islands, 250;
  helps Thorsten secure Voelund ring, 251;
  sons of, 251;
  last instructions of, 252;
  kings seated on tomb of, 254. 
BEL-FO-RA’DO.  Given to Rodrigo, 285. 
BEL-I-A’GOG.  Tristan conquers, 244. 

Project Gutenberg
Legends of the Middle Ages from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.