Theodoric born after death of, 128.
AUCH-IN-LECK’ MANUSCRIPT. Sir Otuel in the, 143.
AUDE. (od) Beloved by Roland, 149.
AU’DOIN. King of Langobards, 86.
AU-RE’LI-US AM-BRO’SI-US. Son of Constans, 205.
AV’A-LON. Ogier to dwell in, 135;
Morgana takes Ogier to, 138;
Arthur in, 232.
A’VARS. Aymon wars against the, 152.
A-VEN’TI-CUM. See Wiflisburg.
A’YA. Aymon marries, 154;
Aymon sends for, 154;
goes to find her husband, 155;
intercedes for her sons, 160;
and Renaud, 161.
AY’MON. Chansons de gestes relating to, 152;
a peer of Charlemagne, 152;
wages war against Charlemagne, 152;
helped by Bayard and Malagigi, 153;
besieged by Charlemagne, 153;
flight and victories of, 154;
Charlemagne makes peace with, 154;
marriage of, 154;
adventures of, 154;
distributes his property, 155;
recovery of, 155;
flees from court, 156;
a captive, 156;
Turpin’s promise to, 156;
oath of, 156;
tries to seize his sons, 157;
Malagigi frees sons of, 158;
adventures of sons of, 158-161.
BAR’I-CAN. King of Hyrcania, 171;
Rezia dreams of, 171.
BA-BIE’CA. Steed of the Cid, 286;
Cid’s ride to Zamora on, 291;
offered to Alfonso, 297;
Cid’s last ride on, 298, 299;
end of, 300.
BAB’Y-LON. Ogier besieges, 138;
same as Bagdad in mediaeval literature,
Alexander crowned at, 306.
BAG-DAD’. Huon to go to, 163, 163;
same as Babylon, 164;
Sherasmin indicates road to, 165;
Huon resumes journey to, 169;
Huon’s adventures in, 171.
BAL’DER. Shrine of, 254, 256, 257;
temple of, 267.
BA’LI-AN. Seaport in Hagen’s kingdom,
BAL’TIC SEA. Bornholm, island in the,
BAN. Father of Lancelot, 219.
BA’RI. Capital of Rother, 89;
arrival of magician’s vessel at,
BAU’TA. A memorial stone for Beowulf, 21.
BA-VA’RI-A. Ruediger rides through, 71.
BAY’ARD. Aymon’s marvelous steed,
Satan steals, 153;
Malagigi recovers, 153;
Aymon saved by, 154;
given to Renaud, 155;
Renaud and his brothers escape on, 156;
Renaud’s adventures in Paris with,
Renaud’s escape on, 158;
timely kick of, 159;
Charlemagne demands death of, 161.
BECH-LAR’EN. Ruediger of, 71, 120;
Kriemhild at, 73;
Burgundians at, 76.
BED’I-VERE, SIR. Finds Arthur dying, 231;
bids Arthur farewell, 232.
BEE HUNTER. See Beowulf.
BELE (be-la’). Heir of Sogn, 249;
replaced on throne, 250;
conquers Orkney Islands, 250;
helps Thorsten secure Voelund ring, 251;
sons of, 251;
last instructions of, 252;
kings seated on tomb of, 254.
BEL-FO-RA’DO. Given to Rodrigo, 285.
BEL-I-A’GOG. Tristan conquers, 244.