The Water-Witch or, the Skimmer of the Seas eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 569 pages of information about The Water-Witch or, the Skimmer of the Seas.

The Water-Witch or, the Skimmer of the Seas eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 569 pages of information about The Water-Witch or, the Skimmer of the Seas.

“It might not have been, Sir, had our watch been as vigilant as their artifice was deep,” he continued.  “But I was little guarded, and having no means to reach my ship, I—­”

“Ay, ay, Captain Ludlow; it is not necessary to be so circumstantial; you proceeded to the wharf, and——­”

“Perhaps, Sir, I obeyed my feelings, rather than my duty,” observed Ludlow, coloring high, when he perceived that the burgher paused to clear his throat “I returned to the pavilion, where——­”

“You persuaded a niece to forget her duty to her uncle and protector.”

“This is a harsh and most unjustifiable charge, both as respects the young lady and myself.  I can distinguish between a very natural desire to possess articles of commerce that are denied by the laws and a more deliberate and mercenary plot against the revenue of the country.  I believe there are few of her years and sex, who would refuse to purchase the articles I saw presented to the eyes of la belle Barberie, especially when the utmost hazard could be no more than their loss, as they were already introduced into the country.”

“A just discrimination, and one likely to render the arrangement of our little affairs less difficult!  I was sure that my old friend the counsellor would not have left a son of his ignorant of principles, more especially as he was about to embark in a profession of so much responsibility.—­And so, my niece had the imprudence to entertain a dealer in contraband?”

“Alderman Van Beverout, there were boats in motion on the water, between this landing and the brigantine in the Cove.  A periagua even left the river for the city, at the extraordinary hour of midnight!”

“Sir, boats will move on the water, when the hands of man set them in motion; but what have I to answer for in the matter?  If goods have entered the Province, without license, why, they must be found and condemned; and if free-traders are on the coast, they should be caught.  Would it not be well to proceed to town, and lay the fact of this strange brigantine’s presence before the Governor, withou delay?”

“I have other intentions.  If, as you say, goods have gone up the bay, it is too late for me to stop them; but it is not too late to attempt to seize yon brigantine.  Now, I would perform this duty in a manner as little likely to offend any of reputable name, as my allegiance will admit.”

“Sir, I extol this discretion—­not that there is any testimony to implicate more than the crew, but credit is a delicate flower, and it should be handled tenderly.  I see an opening for an arrangement—­but, we will, as in duty bound, hear your propositions first, since you may be said to speak with the authority of the Queen.  I will merely surmise that terms should be moderate, between friends;—­perhaps I should say, between connexions, Captain Ludlow.”

“I am flattered by the word, Sir,” returned the young sailor, smiling with an expression of delight.  “First suffer me to be admitted to the charming Cour des Fees, but for a moment.”

Project Gutenberg
The Water-Witch or, the Skimmer of the Seas from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.