There are two kinds of women: The fashionable ones and those who are comfortable.—Tom P. Morgan.
There had been a dressmaker in the house and Minnie had listened to long discussions about the very latest fashions. That night when she said her prayers, she added a new petition, uttered with unwonted fervency:
“And, dear Lord, please make us all very stylish.”
Nothing is thought rare
Which is not new, and follow’d;
yet we know
That what was worn some twenty years ago
Comes into grace again.
—Beaumont and Fletcher.
As good be out of the World as out of the Fashion.—Colley Cibber.
Fate hit me very hard one day.
I cried: “What is my fault?
What have I done? What causes, pray,
This unprovoked assault?”
She paused, then said: “Darned
if I know;
I really can’t explain.”
Then just before she turned to go
She whacked me once again!
—La Touche Hancock.
So in the Libyan fable it is told
That once an eagle stricken with a dart,
Said, when he saw the fashion of the shaft,
“With our own feathers, not by others’
Are we now smitten.”
A director of one of the great transcontinental railroads was showing his three-year-old daughter the pictures in a work on natural history. Pointing to a picture of a zebra, he asked the baby to tell him what it represented. Baby answered “Coty.”
Pointing to a picture of a tiger in the same way, she answered “Kitty.” Then a lion, and she answered “Doggy.” Elated with her seeming quick perception, he then turned to the picture of a Chimpanzee and said:
“Baby, what is this?”
Women’s faults are many,
Men have only two—
Everything they say,
And everything they do.
—Le Crabbe.
See Tips.
BIG MAN (with a grouch)—“Will you be so kind as to get off my feet?”
LITTLE MAN (with a bundle)—“I’ll try, sir. Is it much of a walk?”
“Who gave ye th’ black eye, Jim?”
“Nobody give it t’ me; I had t’ fight fer it.”—Life.
“There! You have a black eye, and your nose is bruised, and your coat is torn to bits,” said Mamma, as her youngest appeared at the door. “How many times have I told you not to play with that bad Jenkins boy?”
“Now, look here, Mother,” said Bobby, “do I look as if we’d been playing?”