In the Days of My Youth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 567 pages of information about In the Days of My Youth.

In the Days of My Youth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 567 pages of information about In the Days of My Youth.

I can now scarcely remember how that day of wonders went by.  I only know that I rambled about as in a dream, and am vaguely conscious of having wandered through the gardens of the Tuilleries; of having found the Louvre open, and of losing myself among some of the upper galleries; of lying exhausted upon a bench in the Champs Elysees; of returning by quays lined with palaces and spanned by noble bridges; of pacing round and round the enchanted arcades of the Palais Royal; of wondering how and where I should find my hotel, and of deciding at last that I could go no farther without dining somehow.  Wearied and half stupefied, I ventured, at length, into one of the large restaurants upon the Boulevards.  Here I found spacious rooms lighted by superb chandeliers which were again reflected in mirrors that extended from floor to ceiling.  Rows of small tables ran round the rooms, and a double line down the centre, each laid with its snowy cloth and glittering silver.

It was early when I arrived; so I passed up to the top of the room and appropriated a small table commanding a view of the great thoroughfare below.  The waiters were slow to serve me; the place filled speedily; and by the time I had finished my soup, nearly all the tables were occupied.  Here sat a party of officers, bronzed and mustachioed; yonder a group of laughing girls; a pair of provincials; a family party, children, governess and all; a stout capitalist, solitary and self content; a quatuor of rollicking commis-voyageurs; an English couple, perplexed and curious.  Amused by the sight of so many faces, listening to the hum of voices, and watching the flying waiters bearing all kinds of mysterious dishes, I loitered over my lonely meal, and wished that this delightful whirl of novelty might last for ever.  By and by a gentleman entered, walked up the whole length of the room in search of a seat, found my table occupied by only a single person, bowed politely, and drew his chair opposite mine.

He was a portly man of about forty-five or fifty years of age, with a broad, calm brow; curling light hair, somewhat worn upon the temples; and large blue eyes, more keen than tender.  His dress was scrupulously simple, and his hands were immaculately white.  He carried an umbrella little thicker than a walking-stick, and wrote out his list of dishes with a massive gold pencil.  The waiter bowed down before him as if he were an habitue of the place.

It was not long before we fell into conversation.  I do not remember which spoke first; but we talked of Paris—­or rather, I talked and he listened; for, what with the excitement and fatigue of the day, and what with the half bottle of champagne which I had magnificently ordered, I found myself gifted with a sudden flood of words, and ran on, I fear, not very discreetly.

A few civil rejoinders, a smile, a bow, an assent, a question implied rather than spoken, sufficed to draw from me the particulars of my journey.  I told everything, from my birthplace and education to my future plans and prospects; and the stranger, with a frosty humor twinkling about his eyes, listened politely.  He was himself particularly silent; but he had the art of provoking conversation while quietly enjoying his own dinner.  When this was finished, however, he leaned back in his chair, sipped his claret, and talked a little more freely.

Project Gutenberg
In the Days of My Youth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.