\partial 4 gis’8.\fermata[ fis16] \bar “” \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts-segno” } e8. e16 dis8. cis16 cis cis8. b8.[ gis16] | b4 b8. gis16 b4 e8. fis16 | gis4 gis gis8.[ fis16] e4 | gis16 gis8. fis8. fis16 fis4 gis8.[ fis16] | e4 e8. cis16 cis8. cis16 b8. gis16 | b16 b8. b8. gis16 b4 e8. fis16 | gis4 b4 gis16[ fis8.] e8.[ fis16] | gis4 e4 e\fermata e\fermata | gis4 b8. b16 b8 cis b a | gis4 b b4. b8 | a4 cis8. cis16 cis8 dis cis b | a4 cis cis4. b8 | e4 e8. e16 b8 cis b a | gis4 gis fis e8.[ fis16] | gis4 gis gis16[ fis8.] e16[ fis8.] | gis4^\markup{ \italic “ritard.” } fis fis gis8.\fermata^\markup{ \italic “D.S. " \musicglyph #"scripts-segno"}[ fis16] \bar “”
text = \lyrics {
Oh, hap — py is th’ mil
— ler who
lives by him — self! As
th’ wheel goes round, he
gath — ers in ’is wealth,
One hand on the
hop — per and the oth —
er on the bag; As the
wheel goes round, he cries out, “Grab!”
ain’t you a lit — tle
bit a — shamed o’ this, Oh,
ain’t you a lit — tle
bit a — sham’d o’ this, Oh,
ain’t you a lit — tle
bit a — sham’d o’ this —
stay all night for one sweet kiss “Oh,
\score {
\new Staff
Lyrics \text