Routledge's Manual of Etiquette eBook

George Routledge
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 212 pages of information about Routledge's Manual of Etiquette.

Routledge's Manual of Etiquette eBook

George Routledge
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 212 pages of information about Routledge's Manual of Etiquette.

    The beagle that runs by nose and not by sight.

    The jolly sportsman that never beats about the bush.

    The huntsman’s pleasures—­the field in the morning and the
    bottle at night.

    The joys of angling.

    The jolly sportsman who enters the covert without being bit by
    the fox.

    May the pleasures of sportsmen never know an end.

    May the jolly fox-hunter never want freedom of soul nor
    liberality of heart.

    May we always gain fresh vigour from the joys of the chase.

    May the sportsman’s day be spent in pleasure.

    May strength the sportsman’s nerves in vigour brace;
    May cruelty ne’er stain with foul disgrace
    The well-earned pleasures of the chase.

    May the love of the chase never interrupt our attention of the
    welfare of the country.

    May every sport prove as innocent as that of the field.

    May the bows of all British bowmen be strong, their strings
    sound, and may their arrows fly straight to the mark.

    May we always run the game breast high.

    May those who love the crack of the whip never want a brush to

    May the heart of a sportsman never know affliction but by

* * * * *


    The three A’s: 
        Abundance, abstinence, and annihilation. 
          Abundance to the poor. 
          Abstinence to the intemperate. 
          Annihilation to the wicked.

    The three B’s: 
      Bachelors, banns, and buns. 
        Bachelors, for the maidens. 
        Banns for the bachelors. 
        Buns after the consummation of the banns.

    The three C’s: 
      Cheerfulness, content, and competency. 
        Cheerfulness in our cups. 
        Content in our minds. 
        Competency in our pockets.

    The three F’s: 
      Firmness, freedom, and fortitude. 
        Firmness in the senate. 
        Freedom on the land. 
        Fortitude on the waves.

    The three F’s: 
      Friendship, feeling, and fidelity. 
        Friendship without interest. 
        Feeling to our enemies. 
        Fidelity to our friends.

    The three F’s:  Fat, fair, and forty.

    The three generals in peace: 
      General peace. 
      General plenty. 
      General satisfaction.

    The three generals in power: 
      General employment. 
      General industry. 
      General comfort.

    The three H’s: 
      Health, honour, and happiness. 
        Health to all the world. 
        Honour to those who seek for it. 
        Happiness in our homes.

    The three L’s: 
      Love, life, and liberty. 
        Love pure. 
        Life long. 
        Liberty boundless.

Project Gutenberg
Routledge's Manual of Etiquette from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.