Routledge's Manual of Etiquette eBook

George Routledge
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 212 pages of information about Routledge's Manual of Etiquette.

Routledge's Manual of Etiquette eBook

George Routledge
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 212 pages of information about Routledge's Manual of Etiquette.

    Improvement to the inventions of our country.

    Improvement to our arts, and invention to our artists.

    May the sword of Justice be swayed by the hand of Mercy.

    May the love of country always prevail.

    May St. George’s Channel be the only difference ever known
    between England and Ireland.

    May the eagles of the Continent never build their nests in
    this little island.

    May British valour shine when every other light is out.

    May Britons, when they do strike, strike home.

    May the populace of our country be remarkable for their
    loyalty and domestic happiness.

    May our sons be honest and fair, and our daughters modest and

    May every Briton’s hand be ever hostile to tyranny.

    May the annals of Great Britain’s history be unstained with
    crime and unpolluted With bloody deeds.

    May our jurors ever possess sufficient courage to uphold their

    May every Briton manfully withstand corruption.

    May we never be afraid to die for our country.

    Our wives, homes, country, and Queen.

    May the health of our sovereign keep pace with the wishes of
    her people.

    May every Briton manfully withstand tyranny.

    May the glory of Britain never cease to shine.

    May the honours of our nobility be without stain.

    May Britons be invincible by united force.

    May the olive of peace renovate the sinking fund of the
    British nation.

    May the throne and the altar never want standing armies to
    back them.

    May Britons secure their conquests by clemency.

    May we as citizens be free without faction, and as subjects
    loyal without servility.

    May loyalty flourish for ever.

    May liberty ever find an altar in Britain surrounded by
    devoted worshippers.

    May the British bull never be cowed.

    May our hearts ever be possessed with the love of country.

    May the British soil alone produce freedom’s sons.

    May the brave never want protection.

    May sovereigns and subjects reign in each other’s hearts by

    May we ever honestly uphold our rights.

    May we never cease to deserve well of country.

    May Britons ever defend, with bold unflinching hand,
    Their throne, their altar, and their native land.

    May the liberties of the people be immortal.

    May the heart of an Englishman ever be Liberty Hall.

    May the brow of the brave be adorned by the hand of beauty.

    May we never find danger lurking on the borders of security.

Project Gutenberg
Routledge's Manual of Etiquette from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.