c. Why did so many people live near tide water? Do the same reasons exist to-day?
Sec.Sec. 230-232.—a. What were the “best roads” in 1800?
b. Describe the dangers and discomforts of traveling in 1800.
c. What were the early steamboats like?
Sec.Sec. 233, 234.—a. What fact hindered the growth of cotton on a large scale in colonial times?
b. How did Whitney’s cotton gin change these conditions?
Sec.Sec. 235, 236.—a. Why had manufacturing received so little attention before the Revolution?
b. How did the new government encourage manufacturing?
Sec. 237.—a. How did Jefferson’s inauguration illustrate his political ideas?
b. Compare his method of opening Congress with that employed by Washington and Adams. Which method is followed to-day?
Sec.Sec. 238.—a. What is the Civil Service? How had Washington and Adams filled offices? Was their action wise?
Sec.Sec. 239.—a. Explain the Judiciary Act of 1801.
b. What power has Congress over the Judiciary? (Constitution, Art. III).
Sec.Sec. 240.—a. What was Jefferson’s policy toward expenses? How did he carry it out? What was the result of these economies?
b. Was the reduction of the navy wise? What conditions make a large navy necessary?
Sec.Sec. 241-244.—a. When and how had Louisiana changed hands since its settlement? Why were the Spaniards poor neighbors?
b. How did the United States acquire Louisiana?
c. Trace on a map the boundaries of the Louisiana Purchase. Compare its value to-day with the price paid.
d. What important discoveries did Lewis and Clark make?
Sec.Sec. 245, 246.—a. Give instances which illustrate the disadvantages of the old way of electing the President and Vice-President.
b. Explain carefully the changes made by the Twelfth Amendment, and show how a President may be elected by a minority of the voters.
Sec.Sec. 247.—a. Describe the doings of the African pirates. Why had Washington and Adams paid them?
b. Describe Jefferson’s action and state the results.
Sec.Sec. 248, 249.—a. Compare the power of France and Great Britain at this time.
b. How did they try to injure one another? How did they treat American ships?
c. Explain the impressment of sailors by the British.
Sec.Sec. 250, 251.—a. Describe the difficulties of Jefferson’s position.
b. Give instances of refusal to buy British goods and the results.