A Short History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 355 pages of information about A Short History of the United States.

A Short History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 355 pages of information about A Short History of the United States.

Quebec Act. 
Quebec; founded; captured.

Railroads, growth of. 
Ralegh, Sir Walter. 
Reaper, the horse. 
Reconstruction Acts. 
Republican Party; of Jefferson; of Lincoln. 
Revolutionary War, campaigns of. 
Rhode Island, settlement of. 
Ribault (re’bo’), French explorer. 
Rockingham Ministry. 
Rosecrans, General.

St. Augustine, founded. 
Sampson, Admiral. 
Sandys, Sir Edwin. 
Saratoga, Burgoyne’s surrender at. 
Schuyler.  General. 
Scott, General Winfield; his Mexican campaign; defeated for Presidency;
  views on secession. 
Seward, W.H.; portrait; on Kansas. 
Shays’s Rebellion. 
Sheridan, General Philip; portrait; at Chickamauga; in Virginia;
  his Valley Campaigns. 
Sherman, General W.T.; portrait; at Chattanooga; captures Atlanta;
  the march through Georgia; the march through the Carolinas. 
Shiloh, battle of. 
Slavery; in Virginia; compromises; Missouri Compromise;
  petitions in Congress; Compromise of 1850; abolished. 
Soto, de (dae so’to) in the Southeast. 
South Carolina; settlement of; nullification in; secession of. 
Spain; pioneers of; Treaty with (1795); War with. 
Spotsylvania, battle of. 
“Squatter Sovereignty.” 
Stamp Act. 
Stamp Act Congress. 
Stark, General. 
Steamboat, the. 
Stephen, A. H.
Steuben, Baron. 
Stowe, Mrs. H.B. 
Stuart Tyranny in the colonies. 
Stuyvesant, Dutch governor. 
Sumter, fall of Fort.

Tariffs; 1789; of 1816, 1824, 1828; the Compromise; McKinley; Dingley. 
Taylor, General Zachary; portrait; his Mexican Campaign; President;
Tea Tax. 
Tecumseh or Tecumthe. 
Telegraph, the. 
Tenure of Office Acts; Crawford’s; of 1867. 
Texas; Republic of; admitted to the Union. 
Thirteenth Amendment. 
Thomas, General George H.; portrait; his services. 
Tippecanoe, battle of. 
Townshend Acts, the. 
Treaties; 1778 (with France); 1783 (with Great Britain); Jay’s Treaty;
  1795 (with Spain); 1800 (with France); Louisiana Purchase; of Ghent;
  Florida Purchase; 1842 (with Great Britain); Oregon Treaty;
  1848 (with Mexico); Gadsden Purchase; 1898 (with Spain). 
Trent Affair. 
Trenton, battle of. 
Twelfth Amendment. 
Tyler, John; portrait; Vice-President; President.

United States, area and population of; in 1800; in 1830; in 1860.

Van Buren, Martin; President; defeated for Presidency. 
Verrazano (ver-rae-tsae’no). 
Vespucius, Americus; portrait; his voyages. 
Vicksburg, Campaign of. 
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. 
Virginia Resolves of 1769. 
Virginia, settlement of.

Project Gutenberg
A Short History of the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.