A Short History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 355 pages of information about A Short History of the United States.

A Short History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 355 pages of information about A Short History of the United States.
  port of; siege of; map of siege. 
Braddock, British general. 
Bragg, Confederate general. 
Brandy wine, battle of. 
Breckinridge, John C., Vice-President; defeated for Presidency. 
Brown, General Jacob, invades Canada. 
Brown, John, in Kansas; at Harper’s Ferry; executed. 
Buchanan, James, President; comes out for the Union. 
Buell, General. 
Bull Run, battles of. 
Bunker Hill, battle of. 
Burgoyne’s campaign. 
Burnside, General A.E.

Cabot, John, discovers North America. 
Calhoun, John C., portrait; in Congress; Vice-President;
  his Exposition
California, Drake on the coast of; seized by Americans;
  discovery of gold in; seeks admission to the Union. 
Camden, battle of. 
Canada, conquest of; invasion of 1775; in War of 1812. 
Carolina, settlement of; rebellion in 1719;
  separated into two provinces. 
Cartier (kar’tia’). 
Cass, Lewis, defeated for the Presidency. 
Champlain, Samuel de. 
Champlain, Lake. 
Chancellorsville, battle of. 
Charles II, his colonial policy. 
Charleston, S.C., attacked; captured; in Civil War. 
Chattanooga, battle of. 
“Chesapeake,” outrage on the. 
Chicago, growth of; great fire at. 
Columbian Exhibition. 
Chickamauga, battle of. 
Civil Service under Washington and Adams; under Jefferson;
  “Spoils System” in the; reform of the. 
Clark, General G.R., conquers the Northwest. 
Clay, Henry, portrait; in Congress; and the Missouri Compromise;
  defeated for the Presidency; and the Compromise of 1850. 
Cleveland, Grover, portrait; President; reelected President. 
Clinton, British general. 
Columbus discovers America. 
Committees of Correspondence. 
Compromises of the Constitution; of 1820; of 1850. 
Concord, battle of. 
Confederate States. 
Confederation of New England. 
Confederation of the United States, Articles of. 
Connecticut, settlement of; charter of. 
Constitution, formation of the; facsimile of first lines;
  first ten amendments; text of, Appendix. 
“Constitution,” the frigate, chased by a British fleet;
  and the “Guerriere.” 
Constitutional Union Party. 
Continental Congress, first; second. 
Coronade, in the Southwest. 
Cotton gin. 
Cowpens, battle of. 
Crawford, William H., defeated for the Presidency. 
Creek War. 
Critical Period. 
Crittenden Compromise. 
Cromwell, Oliver, and the colonies. 
Cuba, rebellions in (1867-77); (1894-98).

Dale, Sir Thomas. 
Davis, Jefferson. 
Decatur, Stephen, portrait; in Algerine War. 
Declaration of Independence. 
Declaratory Act. 
Democratic Party. 
Detroit, surrender of. 
Dewey, Admiral. 
Dickinson, John. 
Douglas, Stephen A., Kansas-Nebraska Act; debate with Lincoln;
  defeated for Presidency; comes out for the Union. 
Draft Riots. 
Drake, Sir Francis, his great voyage. 
Dred Scott Decision. 
Duquesne, Fort. 
Dutch Colonies.

Project Gutenberg
A Short History of the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.