Each, distinguished from all, 56; from
every and both, 119;
number of, 58, 89.
Earl, feminine corresponding to, 21.
EARLE, JOHN, quoted, 82. Eat, principal parts
of, 61. Effect, affect, distinguished, 99.
Egoists, egotists; egoism, egotism, distinguished,
30. Either, distinguished from any one,
55-56; number of, 58, 89. Either—or,
number of the verb with singular subjects
connected by, 89.
Electrocute, 10. Elegant, 124. Elicit,
eliminate, distinguished, 100. EMERSON, R.W.,
quoted, 124. Emigration, immigration, distinguished,
30. Eminent, prominent, distinguished, 123.
Enormity, enormousness, distinguished, 30.
Enthuse, 10. Esteem, estimate, estimation,
distinguished, nouns, 30; verbs, 100. Every,
number of, 58, 89; distinguished from each and
both, 119. Everywheres, 110. Evidently,
apparently, manifestly, distinguished, 122. Ewe,
masculine corresponding to, 21. Except, accept,
distinguished, 99. Except, without, unless,
distinguished, 142. Existing, extant, distinguished,
122. Expect, suspect, anticipate, distinguished,
101. Expose, expound, distinguished, 100.
Extant, existing, distinguished, 122.
Falsity, falseness, distinguished, 31. Fetch,
bring, carry, distinguished, 94. Fewer, less,
smaller, distinguished, 109. Figures, plural
of, 19. Find, locate, distinguished, 100.
Fish, plurals of, 19. Flee, principal
parts of, 61. Fled, flew, flown, distinguished,
61. Fly, principal parts of, 61. For, because,
since, distinguished, 143-144. For, on,
after wait, distinguished, 135. Foreign
origin, plural of nouns of, 20-21. Foreignisms,
defined, 10. Forget, principal parts of, 61.
quoted, 6, 17, 54, 67, 61, 62, 113, 119,
133, 134, 135, 136, 143, 144.
Frances, Francis, distinguished, 21. Freeze,
principal parts of, 61. Frighten, 100. Froze,
frozen, distinguished, 61. Funny, odd,
distinguished, 122.