A, an, or the, 12. Abbot, feminine
corresponding to, 21. Abbreviations, 22. Ability,
capacity, distinguished, 29. Abundance, plenty,
distinguished, 32. Accept, except, distinguished,
99. Acceptance, acceptation, distinguished,
25. Access, accession, distinguished, 25.
Accredit, credit, distinguished, 92. Actor,
feminine corresponding to, 21. Acts, actions,
distinguished, 25. Adherence, adhesion, distinguished,
29. ADJECTIVES, 109-133; defined, 109; vulgarisms
in the use of, 109-113;
singular and plural, 110; adjective or
adverb, 113-116; redundant, 117-118;
misused, 119-129; use of the comparative
and superlative degrees, 129-131;
adjectives incapable of comparison, 131-132;
misplaced, 132-133.
Admit, confess, distinguished, 95. Advance,
advancement, distinguished, 25. ADVERBS,
109-133; defined,109; vulgarisms in the use of, 109-113;
adverb or adjective, 113-116; redundant,
117-118; misused, 119-129;
use of the comparative and superlative
degrees, 129-131;
adverbs incapable of comparison, 131-132;
misplaced, 132-133;
between to and the infinitive,
Advise distinguished from advertise,
from persuade, 100.
Affect, effect, distinguished, 99. Affirm,
claim, maintain, distinguished, 94-95. Afraid,
scared, distinguished, 124. Aggravating, irritating,
distinguished, 119. Ain’t, 71.
Alienisms, defined, 10. Alight, light, distinguished,