Practical Exercises in English eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about Practical Exercises in English.

Practical Exercises in English eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about Practical Exercises in English.
and I feel rested. 59.  I—­down an hour ago to take a nap. 60.  The scene of “The Lady of the Lake” is—­in the lake region
    of Scotland.
61.  The tired lambs—­down to rest. 62.  Darkness settled down while the soldiers—­behind the breast-works. 63.  Had you not better—­down a while? 64.  After they had been—­ing silent for an hour, the command was given to
    prepare for a march; afterward the men ——­ down again and waited for
    the next order.
65.  When Romeo saw Juliet ——­ ing in the casket, he ——­ down by her side
    and drank the poison.  When Juliet awoke, seeing Romeo ——­ ing beside
    her dead, she took a sword which ——­ near and killed herself.

PLEAD. 66.  He ——­ tearfully to be set free, but his captors were firm. 67.  Yesterday he ——­ “not guilty.”

PROVE. 68.  It cannot be ——­ that Mars is inhabited. 69.  He thinks that the prisoner’s innocence has been ——.

RIDE. 70.  We had ——­ only a short distance when rain began to fall. 71.  Have you ever ——­ on a bicycle?

RISE, RAISE. 72.  She could not get her bread to ——. 73.  The price of corn has ——. 74.  I ——­ so that I might look around. 75.  The students ——­ him upon their shoulders.

RUN. 76.  You look as if you had ——­ all the way home. 77.  He ——­ up to me and asked what time it was. 78.  He said some thief had taken his coat and had ——­ away with it.

SEE. 79.  Charlie, who has just come in, says he ——­ two suspicious looking men
    near the barn.
80.  Yes, I ——­ him an hour ago. 81.  That is the best dog I ever ——.

SET, SIT. 82.  Please ——­ still while I try to find her. 83.  The old man was ——­ting in his easy-chair. 84.  He ——­ out for Boston day before yesterday. 85. ——­ down and talk awhile. 86.  The sun ——­s at six o’clock twice a year. 87.  I ——­ the basket on a rock while I went to the spring. 88.  We ——­ with our friends at the table for over an hour. 89.  In which seat did you ——? 90.  I am—­ting in my study by the window. 91.  The children are dreadfully sunburnt; yesterday they—­in the sun on
    the beach all the morning.
92.  Just—­down, till I call her. 93.  Annie, I have—­the pitcher on the table. 94.  He has—­there all the evening. 95.  We were all—­ting round the fire. 96.  I had to—­up all night. 97.  The farmer after felling the tree found that it had fell (fallen) on
    a—­ting hen that had laid (lain) her eggs under its branches.

SHAKE. 98.  All the restraints of home had been—­off long before. 99.  John—­the tree; Lida picked up the nuts. 100.  After they had—­off the dust, they entered the house.

SHOE. 101.  Go, ask Mr. N. whether he has—­the horses yet. 102.  He says he—­them an hour ago.

SHOW. 103.  They have—­their good intention. 104.  Has Edward—­you his yacht?  Yes, he—­it to me this morning.

SPEAK. 105.  English is—­in many parts of the world. 106.  After he had—­a half-hour we had to leave.

Project Gutenberg
Practical Exercises in English from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.