Practical Exercises in English eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about Practical Exercises in English.

Practical Exercises in English eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about Practical Exercises in English.


SHE, HER, HERSELF. 1.  Before leaving Mary we saw ——­ and her baggage safe on the train. 2. ——­ and her two cousins have been visiting us. 3.  I would not go to town alone, if I were ——. 4.  It was not ——­ but her sister that you met yesterday. 5.  You are as old as ——. 6. ——­ and I are not in the same class. 7.  Was it ——­ that did it? 8.  I cannot let you and ——­ sit together. 9.  You play the violin better than ——. 10.  Such girls as ——­ are not good companions. 11.  I am certain that it was ——. 12.  Girls like ——­ are not good company. 13.  If any one is embarrassed, it will not be ——. 14.  If any one is late it will be sure to be ——.


THEY, THEM, THEMSELVES. 1. ——­ and their children have left town. 2.  We shall soon be as poor as ——. 3.  Yes, it was ——. 4.  I do not know whether the Macdonalds are Scotch or Irish but I thought
   the Scotch family alluded to might be ——.
5.  The mischievous boys you speak of could not have been ——­ for ——­ were
   at home.


WHO, WHOM, WHOEVER, WHOMEVER. 1. ——­ are you going to give that to? 2. ——­ do men say that I am? 3. ——­ do men think me to be? 4. ——­ am I supposed to be? 5. ——­ do you think will be elected? 6. ——­ do you think they will select? 7.  I do not know ——­ to compare him to. 8.  Tell me in sadness ——­ is she you love? 9. ——­ are you going to call on next? 10.  How can we tell ——­ to trust? 11. ——­ is that for? 12.  Elect ——­ you like. 13. ——­ did you see at the village? 14. ——­ did you say went with you? 15.  Do you know ——­ you can get to take my trunk? 16. ——­ were you talking to just now? 17.  I do not know ——­ you mean. 18.  Do you remember ——­ he married? 19.  We will refer the question to ——­ you may select as arbitrator. 20. ——­ can this letter be from? 21.  He is a man ——­ I know is honest.[51] 22.  He is a man ——­ I know to be honest.[51] 23. ——­ do you take me to be? 24. ——­ did you expect to see? 25.  Can’t you remember ——­ you gave it to? 26.  I saw a man ——­ I have no hesitation in saying was Julian H. 27.  We like to be with those ——­ we love and ——­ we know love us, let
    them be ——­ they may.
28. ——­ do you think it was that called? 29.  He confided his plan to those ——­ he thought were his friends. 30.  He confided his plan to those ——­ he thought he could trust. 31.  We recommend only those ——­ we think can pass the examinations, and
    ——­ we know will do their best.
32. ——­ do you think she looks like? 33.  One letter was from an applicant ——­ I afterwards learned had been
    out of a position for two years.
34. ——­ did you suppose it was? 35.  Opposite him was a handsome man—­John knew must be Kathleen’s uncle. 36.  A witness ——­ the counsel for the defence expected would be present
    was kept away by illness.
37.  A witness ——­ the counsel

Project Gutenberg
Practical Exercises in English from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.