possessive case, 17-18; singular and plural, 18-21; plural forms of
foreign origin, 20; gender, 21; abbreviations, 22; misused, 22-42;
gerunds and verbal nouns, 50-51.
Novel, new, distinguished, 123. Novice, novitiate, distinguished, 31. Nowhere near, 110. Number, singular and plural, of nouns, 18-21; of pronouns, 58-60;
of verbs, 89-92; of adjectives, 110.
Number, distinguished from quantity and amount, 29;
from lot, 81.
Number, quantity, amount, distinguished, 29. Nun, masculine corresponding to, 21.
Oasis, plural of, 21. Objective case,
43-50. Observance, observation, distinguished,
26. Obsolete, defined, 4, Octavo, plural
of, 18. Odd, funny, distinguished, 122. Of
after verbal nouns, 51. Of which, whose, choice
between, 54. Omitted articles, 13; pronouns,
60; adverbs, 117; prepositions, 140;
conjunctions, 146.
On, in, before names of streets, distinguished,
135. On, for, after wait, distinguished,
135. One, possessive and reflexive of, 56-57.
Only, distinguished from alone, 116;
position of, 132. Onto, 135. Oppose, antagonize,
distinguished, 94. Or, nor, use of, 144. Oral,
verbal, distinguished, 123. Ordinary, average,
distinguished, 122. Organism, organization,
distinguished, 31. Other, with comparatives
and superlatives, 129. Ought, tense of the
infinitive with, 78-79. Our, us, before verbal
nouns, 51. Ourselves, we, us, proper choice
among, 43-46.
Parenthesis, plural of, 21. Part, portion,
distinguished, 31. Participle, defined, 50.
Partly, partially, distinguished, 119.
Parts of verbs, principal, 61-62. Party, person,
distinguished, 23. Penny, plurals of, 19.
Perfect indicative, 78; infinitive, 78-79. Person,
change from one to another in pronouns, 56-57. Person,
party, distinguished, 23. Persuade, advise,
distinguished, 100. Phenomenon, plural of,
21. Piano, plural of, 18. Pitiable, pitiful,
distinguished, 123. Plea, argument, distinguished,
29. Plead, principal parts of, 62. Plenty,
distinguished from abundance, 32;
as adjective and adverb, 109-110.
Plural of nouns, 18-21; of pronouns, 58-60; of verbs,
of adjectives, 110.
Plurality, majority, distinguished, 31. Portion,
part, distinguished, 31. Possessive case,
of nouns, 16; of pronouns, 43. Practicable, practical,
distinguished, 123. Predicate, predict, distinguished,
100. Predominance, prominence, distinguished,
32. PREPOSITIONS, 134-141; misused, 134-139;