Brace did not hesitate, but saddling his fleet Buckskin,
by the time the stagecoach had passed the Crossing
in the high-road he had mounted the hill and was dashing
along the “cut-off” in the same direction,
a full mile in advance. Arriving at Indian Spring,
he left his horse at a Mexican
posada on the
confines of the settlement, and from the piled
of a tunnel excavation awaited the slow arrival of
the coach. On mature reflection he could give
no reason why he had not boldly awaited it at the
express office, except a certain bashful consciousness
of his own folly, and a belief that it might be glaringly
apparent to the bystanders. When the coach arrived
and he had overcome this consciousness, it was too
late. Yuba Bill had discharged his passengers
for Indian Spring and driven away. Miss Nellie
was in the settlement, but where? As time passed
he became more desperate and bolder. He walked
recklessly up and down the main street, glancing in
at the open doors of shops, and even in the windows
of private dwellings. It might have seemed a
poor compliment to Miss Nellie, but it was an evidence
of his complete preoccupation, when the sight of a
female face at a window, even though it was plain or
perhaps painted, caused his heart to bound, or the
glancing of a skirt in the distance quickened his
feet and his pulses. Had Jack contented himself
with remaining at Excelsior he might have vaguely
regretted, but as soon become as vaguely accustomed
to, Miss Nellie’s absence. But it was not
until his hitherto quiet and passive love took this
first step of action that it fully declared itself.
When he had made the tour of the town a dozen times
unsuccessfully, he had perfectly made up his mind
that marriage with Nellie or the speedy death of several
people, including possibly himself, was the only alternative.
He regretted he had not accompanied her; he regretted
he had not demanded where she was going; he contemplated
a course of future action that two hours ago would
have filled him with bashful terror. There was
clearly but one thing to do—to declare
his passion the instant he met her, and return with
her to Excelsior an accepted suitor, or not to return
at all.
Suddenly he was vexatiously conscious of hearing his
name lazily called, and looking up found that he was
on the outskirts of the town, and interrogated by
two horsemen.
“Got down to walk, and the coach got away from
you, Jack, eh?”
A little ashamed of his preoccupation, Brace stammered
something about “collections.” He
did not recognize the men, but his own face, name,
and business were familiar to everybody for fifty miles
along the stage-road.
“Well, you can settle a bet for us, I reckon.
Bill Dacre thar bet me five dollars and the drinks
that a young gal we met at the edge of the Carquinez
Woods, dressed in a long brown duster and half muffled
up in a hood, was the daughter of Father Wynn of Excelsior.
I did not get a fair look at her, but it stands to
reason that a high-toned young lady like Nellie Wynn
don’t go trap’sing along the wood like
a Pike County tramp. I took the bet. May
be you know if she’s here or in Excelsior?”