“Oh, I suspected something; there was a woman, and you know you’re such a fool!”
Cass rose, stiffly.
“Don’t be a greater fool now, but go and bring my horse and wagon from the hill, and don’t say anything to the driver.”
“Then you did not come alone?”
“No; it would have been bold and improper.”
“And to think it was the ring, after all, that pointed to this,” she said.
“The ring that you returned to me.”
“What did you say?”
“Don’t, please, the wagon is coming.”
* * * * *
In the next morning’s edition of the “Red Chief Chronicle” appeared the following startling intelligence:
OVER $300,000
Our readers will remember the notorious robbery of Wells, Fargo & Co.’s treasure from the Sacramento and Red Chief Pioneer Coach on the night of September 1. Although most of the gang were arrested, it is known that two escaped, who, it was presumed, cached the treasure, amounting to nearly $500,000 in gold, drafts, and jewelry, as no trace of the property was found. Yesterday our esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. Cass Beard, long and favorably known in this county, succeeded in exhuming the treasure in a copse of hazel near the Red Chief turnpike,—adjacent to the spot where an unknown body was lately discovered. This body is now strongly suspected to be that of one Henry Cass, a disreputable character, who has since been ascertained to have been one of the road agents who escaped. The matter is now under legal investigation. The successful result of the search is due to a systematic plan evolved from the genius of Mr. Beard, who has devoted over a year to this labor. It was first suggested to him by the finding of a ring, now definitely identified as part of the treasure which was supposed to have been dropped from Wells, Fargo & Co.’s boxes by the robbers in their midnight flight through Blazing Star.
In the same journal appeared the no less important intelligence, which explains, while it completes this veracious chronicle:—
“It is rumored that a marriage is shortly to take place between the hero of the late treasure discovery and a young lady of Red Chief, whose devoted aid and assistance to this important work is well known to this community.”