Frontier Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Frontier Stories.

Frontier Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Frontier Stories.

“At nine o’clock, here.  He went to the hotel.”

“He saved his life, then, for Dunn is on his way to the woods to kill him.”

The jeopardy of her lover did not seem to affect the young girl with alarm, although her eyes betrayed some interest.

“Then Dunn has gone to the woods?” she said thoughtfully.

“He has,” replied Wynn.

“Is that all?” she asked.

“I want to know what you are going to do?”

“I was going back to bed.”

“This is no time for trifling, girl.”

“I should think not,” she said, with a yawn; “it’s too early, or too late.”

Wynn grasped her wrist more tightly.  “Hear me!  Put whatever face you like on this affair, you are compromised—­and compromised with a man you can’t marry.”

“I don’t know that I ever wanted to marry Low, if you mean him,” she said quietly.

“And Dunn wouldn’t marry you now.”

“I’m not so sure of that either.”

“Nellie,” said Wynn excitedly, “do you want to drive me mad?  Have you nothing to say—­nothing to suggest?”

“Oh, you want me to help you, do you?  Why didn’t you say that first?  Well, go and bring Dunn here.”

“Are you mad?  The man has gone already in pursuit of your lover, believing you with him.”

“Then he will the more readily come and talk with me without him.  Will you take the invitation—­yes or no?”

“Yes, but”—­

“Enough.  On your way there you will stop at the hotel and give Low a letter from me.”


“You shall read it, of course,” she said scornfully, “for it will be your text for the conversation you will have with him.  Will you please take your hand from the lock and open the door?”

Wynn mechanically opened the door.  The young girl flew up-stairs.  In a very few moments she returned with two notes:  one contained a few lines of formal invitation to Dunn; the other read as follows:—­

“DEAR MR. DORMAN:  My father will tell you how deeply I regret that our recent botanical excursions in the Carquinez Woods have been a source of serious misapprehension to those who had a claim to my consideration, and that I shall be obliged to discontinue them for the future.  At the same time he wishes me to express my gratitude for your valuable instruction and assistance in that pleasing study, even though approaching events may compel me to relinquish it for other duties.  May I beg you to accept the enclosed ring as a slight recognition of my obligations to you?

“Your grateful pupil,


When he had finished reading the letter, she handed him a ring, which he took mechanically.  He raised his eyes to hers with perfectly genuine admiration.  “You’re a good girl, Nellie,” he said, and, in a moment of parental forgetfulness, unconsciously advanced his lips towards her cheek.  But she drew back in time to recall him to a sense of that human weakness.

Project Gutenberg
Frontier Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.