The Long White Cloud eBook

William Pember Reeves
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 371 pages of information about The Long White Cloud.

The Long White Cloud eBook

William Pember Reeves
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 371 pages of information about The Long White Cloud.
  Chatham Islands Escape, 299. 
  Cheap Money Scheme, 396. 
  Chinese element, 398. 
  Christchurch founded, 235. 
  Church endowment in the South, 247. 
  Church Missionary Society, 114, 119, 172. 
  Church statistics, 400. 
  Chute, General, 292. 
  Civilization and the Maori, 55, 59. 
  Clean Shirt Ministry, 253. 
  Cliff scenery, 25, 26. 
  Climate, 11. 
  Clutha and Prohibition, 365. 
  Colenso’s New Testament, 120. 
  Colonising companies, 157. 
  Commissioners and New Zealand Company, 197. 
  Conciliation Boards, 386, 387-390. 
  Confiscation of native land, 289. 
  Continuous ministry, 335, 336. 
  Contractors, 382. 
  Contrasts in scenery, 13. 
  Conveyance of land, 115. 
  Convicts and Maori, 98. 
  Coal Mines Act, 391. 
  Cook, Captain, 79-81. 
  Co-operative Contract System, 393. 
  Coromandel goldfields, 318. 
  Costume of the Maori, 45. 
  Creation of man, 67. 
  Crime, Absence of, 241. 
  Crozet, 87-91. 
  Cruelty of traders, 102-104. 
  Customs duties, 208, 343, 352.

  Dairy produce exports, 343. 
  Dark side of Maori life, 52. 
  Darwin on New Zealand, 118. 
  Death and future existence, 61. 
  Death customs and beliefs, 72. 
  Debts, private, 332. 
  Defeat at Puke-te-kauere, 273. 
  Depreciation of land, 375. 
  Despard repulsed by Heke, 215. 
  De Surville at the Bay of Islands, 86, 87. 
  Discovery, 3. 
  Domett ("Waring"), 47. 
  Drink, 409. 
  Dunedin, 232, 311.

  Education, 340, 383, 407. 
  Egmont volcano, 28. 
  Eloquence of the Maori, 51. 
  Employers’ Liability Act, 382.
  Endeavour visited by the Maori, 84. 
  Episcopal Church in New Zealand, 226. 
  Escapes of Maori prisoners, 298. 
  Export development, 335, 343.
    statistics, 406.

  Factories Act, 382, 383. 
  Financial changes, 331-334, 351. 
  Fitzgerald first premier, 253. 
  Fitzroy, Governor, 204, 206-209. 
  Floods, 23. 
  Flood myth, 67. 
  Flora and fauna, 5, 16. 
  Forest scenery, 6-9. 
  Fox, Sir William, 336, 419. 
  Franchise reforms, 378. 
  French attempts at colonisation, 163, 192. 
  French and English in New Zealand, 86. 
  Frozen meat, 343.

  Gambling, 409. 
  Gaols, primitive, 233. 
  Garnett, Dr. Richard, 234, 419. 
  General Assembly founded, 250. 
  Gisborne’s book, 420. 
  Glaciers and snow, 31. 
  Gladstone and annexation, 172. 
  Godley as Administrator, 236. 
  Gold discovered in Otago, 310. 
  Gorst, Sir John, 276, 277. 
  Grazing, 406. 
  Grey’s achievements, 227. 
  Grey and Atkinson, 341, 345, 346. 
  Grey, Earl, 231, 245. 
  Grey, Sir George, 199, 217-230, 291, 339.
    attacks Weraroa, 291.
    leaves New Zealand, 251.
    recalled, 323.
    second command, 275. 
  Gum-digging, 319. 
  Gun-selling, 264.

Project Gutenberg
The Long White Cloud from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.