The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
doubt the Tien-chi, the Great Lake on the shore of which the city of Yun-nan stands, and from which boats make their way by canals along the walls and streets.  Its circumference, according to Martini, is 500 li.  The cut (p. 68), from Garnier, shows this lake as seen from a villa on its banks. [Deveria (p. 129) quotes this passage from the Yuen-shi-lei pien:  “Yachi, of which the U-man or Black Barbarians made their capital, is surrounded by Lake Tien-chi on three sides.”  Tien-chi is one of the names of Lake Kwen-ming, on the shore of which is built Yun-nan fu.—­H.C.]

Returning now to the Karajang of the Mongols, or Carajan, as Polo writes it, we shall find that the latter distinguishes this great province, which formerly, he says, included seven kingdoms, into two Mongol Governments, the seat of one being at Yachi, which we have seen to be Yun-nan fu, and that of the other at a city to which he gives the name of the Province, and which we shall find to be the existing Ta-li fu.  Great confusion has been created in most of the editions by a distinction in the form of the name as applied to these two governments.  Thus Ramusio prints the province under Yachi as Carajan, and that under Ta-li as Carazan, whilst Marsden, following out his system for the conversion of Ramusio’s orthography, makes the former Karaian and the latter Karazan.  Pauthier prints Caraian all through, a fact so far valuable as showing that his texts make no distinction between the names of the two governments, but the form impedes the recognition of the old Mongol nomenclature.  I have no doubt that the name all through should be read Carajan, and on this I have acted.  In the Geog.  Text we find the name given at the end of ch. xlvii. Caragian, in ch. xlviii. as Carajan, in ch. xlix. as Caraian, thus just reversing the distinction made by Marsden.  The Crusca has Charagia(n) all through.

The name then was Kara-jang, in which the first element was the Mongol or Turki Kara, “Black.”  For we find in another passage of Rashid the following information:[3]—­“To the south-west of Cathay is the country called by the Chinese Dailiu or ‘Great Realm,’ and by the Mongols Karajang, in the language of India and Kashmir Kandar, and by us Kandahar.  This country, which is of vast extent, is bounded on one side by Tibet and Tangut, and on others by Mongolia, Cathay, and the country of the Gold-Teeth.  The King of Karajang uses the title of Mahara, i.e.  Great King.  The capital is called Yachi, and there the Council of Administration is established.  Among the inhabitants of this country some are black, and others are white; these latter are called by the Mongols Chaghan-Jang (’White Jang’).” Jang has not been explained; but probably it may have been a Tibetan term adopted by the Mongols, and the colours may have applied to their clothing. 

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The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.