The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
Theodosius the Great. 
Theophilus, Emperor of Constantinople.
——­ missionary. 
Thevenot, Travels
Thian Shan. 
Thin l’Eveque, siege of.
Thinae of Ptolemy. 
Tholoman, see Coloman. 
Thomas, Edward.
——­ of Mancasola, Bishop of Samarcand. 
Thread, Brahmanical. 
Three kingdoms (San-Kwe). 
Threshold, a great offence to step on the. 
Thuran Shah’s History of Hormuz. 
Tibet (Tebet) province,
  boundary of;
  its acquisition by Mongols;
  organisation under Kublai;
  dogs of. 
Tibetan language and character,
  origin of the Yue-chi. 
  superstitions of;
  and Kashmiris (Tebet and Keshimur), sorceries of;
  accused of cannibalism. 
Tides in Hang-chau estuary. 
Tierce, half tierce, etc., hours of. 
Tigado, Castle of. 
Tigers (called lions by Polo),
  trained to the chase;
  in Cuncun;
  in Caindu;
  (See also Lions.). 
Tigris River (Volga),
  at Baghdad. 
Tigudar (Acomat Soldan). 
Tiles, enamelled. 
Tilinga, Telingana, Tiling, Telenc. 
Timur of Toumen, chief of the Nikoudrians. 
Timur the Great. 
Timurids, the. 
Ting, 10 taels of silver = tael of gold. 
Tithe on clothing material. 
Tithing men, Chinese (Pao-kia). 
Titus, Emperor. 
Tjajya, see Choiach. 
Toba race. 
Toctai, king, see Toktai. 
Tod, Colonel James. 
Toddy, see Wine of Palm. 
Toghontemur, last Mongol Emperor,
  his wail. 
Toghrul I.
——­ Shah of Kerman. 
Togrul Wang Khan, see Prester John. 
Toka Tumir. 
Toktai Khan (Toctai, Lord of the Ponent),
  wars with Noghai;
  his symbolic message. 
Tolan-nur (Dolonnur). 
Toleto, John de, Cardinal Bishop of Portus. 
Toman (Tuman, etc.), Mongol word for 10,000. 
Tongking, Tungking. 
Tooth-relique of Buddha,
  history of. 
Torchi, Dorje, Kublai’s first-born. 
Toro River. 
Torture by constriction in raw hide.
Toscaul, toskaul (toscaol), watchman. 
Tournefort, on cold at Erzrum. 
Tower and Bell Alarm at Peking,
  at Kinsay. 
Toyan (Tathung?). 
Trade at Layas,
  by Baghdad;
  at Tauris;
  at Cambaluc;
  in Shan-si;
  on the Great Kiang;
  at Chinangli;
  at Sinju Matu;
——­ of India with Hormuz,
  with Egypt by Aden;
  with Esher;
  with Dofar;
  with Calatu. 
Trades in Manzi, alleged to be hereditary.
Traps for fur animals. 
Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.