The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
Tartar language,
  on Tartar, its correct form;
  misuse by Ramusio. 
  different characters used by;
  identified with Gog and Magog;
  their first city;
  original country, tributary to Prester John;
  revolt and migration;
  earliest mention of the word;
  make Chinghiz their king;
  his successors;
  their customs and religion;
  chastity of their women;
  polygamy, etc.;
  their gods and idols;
  their drink (Kumiz);
  arms, horses, and war customs;
  military organization;
  sustenance on rapid marches;
  portable curd;
  tactics in war;
  administration of justice;
  laws against theft;
  posthumous marriage;
  the cudgel;
  Rubruquis’ account of;
  custom before a fight;
  want of charity to the poor;
  conquerors of China, history of;
  excellence in archery;
  objection to meddling with things pertaining to the dead;
  admiration of the Polo mangonels;
  employment of military engines;
  their cruelties;
  marriage customs.
——­ in the Far North.
——­ of the Levant, see Levant.
——­ of the Ponent, see Ponent. 
Tartary cloths. 
Tarungares, tribe. 
Tash Kurgan. 
Tatariya coins. 
Tathung, or Taitongfu. 
Ta-t’sien-lu, or Tachindo, Tartsedo. 
Ta Tsing River. 
  artists in. 
Tatu (Taichu).
——­ River. 
Tauris, see Tabriz. 
Taurizi, Torissi. 
Taxes, see Customs, Duties. 
Tchakiri Mondou (Modun).
Tchekmen, thick coarse cotton stuff. 
Tea-houses at Kingsze. 
Tea trees in E. Tibet. 
Tebet, see Tibet. 
Tedaldo, see Theobald. 
Teeth, custom of casing in gold.
——­ of Adam or of Buddha.
——­ conservation of, by Brahmans. 
Teghele, Atabeg of Lur. 
Teimur (Temur), Kublai’s grandson and successor. 
Tekla, Hamainot. 
Telingana, see Tilinga. 
Telo Samawe. 
Tembul (Betel), chewing. 
Temkan, Kublai’s son. 
Temple, connection of Cilician Armenia with Order of.
——­ Master of the. 
Temple’s account of the Condor. 
Temujin, see Chinghiz. 
Tenduc, or Tanduc, plain of,
  province of. 
Tengri, Supreme deity of Tartars. 
Tents, the Khan’s. 
  of Mamre.
Terlan, goshawk. 
Terra Mountains. 
Terra Australis. 
Te-Tsung, Emperor. 
Thai, Great and Little,
Thai-yuanfu (Taianfu).
Thard-wahsh, see Patterns, Beast and Bird. 
Theft, Tartar punishment of. 
Theistic worship. 
Theobald, or Tedaldo of Piacenza,
  chosen Pope as Gregory X.;
  sends friars with the Polos and presents. 
Theodorus, king of Abyssinia. 
Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.