The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

Qal’ah Asgher, hot springs at. 
Qara Ars-lan Beg, king of Kerman. 
Quails in India. 
Queen of Mutfili. 
Quicksilver and sulphur potion.
——­ as regarded by alchemists. 
Quills of the Ruc, see Ruc. 
Quilon, Kaulam, etc., see Coilum. 
Qumadin (Camadi)

Rabbanta, a Nestorian monk. 
Radloff, Dr. W.,
Rainald, of Dassel, Archbishop. 
Rain-makers, see Conjurers. 
Rainy season. 
Rajkot leather-work. 
Rakka, Rakshasas. 
Rama Kamheng, king. 
Rampart of Gog and Magog. 
Ramusio, Giov.  Battista, passim,
  his biographical notices of Polo;
  his edition of Polo. 
Rana Paramita’s Woman Country. 
Ranking, John. 
Rapson, E.J. 
Ras Haili.
——­ Kumhari. 
Rashiduddin, alias Fazl-ulla Rashid, Persian statesman and
    historian of the Mongols,
  frequently quoted in the Notes. 
Ravenala tree (Urania speciosa). 
Raw meat eaten. 
Rawlinson, Sir H.
Reclus, Asie russe,
  on Caspian Sea fisheries. 
Red gold and red Tangas.
Re Dor
Red Sea, trade from India to Egypt by,
  described in some texts as a river;
  possible origin of mistake. 
Red sect of Lamas. 
Refraction, abnormal.
Reg Ruwan, of Kabul.
——­ of Seistan. 
Reindeer ridden. 
Religion, indifference of Chinghizide Princes to,
  occasional power of among Chinese. 
Remission of taxation by Kublai
Rennell, Major James. 
Reobarles (Rudbar, etc.). 
Revenue of Kinsay. 
Rhinoceros (Unicorn), in Sumatra,
  four Asiatic species.
——­ Tichorinus
Rhins, Dutreuil de. 
Rhubarb, Rheum palmatum
Riant, Comte. 
Ricci, Matteo. 
  at Yachi.
——­ trade on Grand Canal. 
Richard II. 
Richthofen, Baron F. von,
  on Fungul;
  on Tanpiju. 
Right and Left, ministers of the. 
Rio Marabia.
Rishis (Eremites) of Kashmir. 
“River of China”. 
Roads radiating from Cambaluc. 
Robbers in Persia. 
Robbers’ River. 
Robes distributed by Kublai. 
Roborovsky, Lieutenant. 
Rochefort, “faire la couvade”. 
Rockhill (Rubruck and Diary of a Journey),
  on the titles Khan, Khatun, etc.;
  on horn horse-shoes;
  earliest mention of name Mongol in Oriental works;
  Mongol storm-dispellers;
  charge of cannibalism against Tibetans;
  on Bonbo Lamas;
  Tablets (hu);
  mechanical contrivances at E. Court;
  Mongol etiquette;
  Chinese leather-money;
  Mongol post-stations;
  from Peking to Si-ngan fu;
  descent of Yellow River;
  road between T’ung-kwan and Si-ngan fu;
  two famous Uigur Nestorians;
  on the word Salar;

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.