The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
Otto, Bishop of Freisingen. 
Oulatay (Uladai), Tartar envoy from Persia.
Ovis Poli, see Sheep.
Oweke, see Ucaca. 
Owen, Professor. 
Owen, Rev. Gray, on the Lolos.
Owo, Mongol for Musk. 
Oxen, humped, in Kerman,
  wild, shaggy (Yaks).
——­ wild (Beyamini),
  in East Tibet;
  in Bengal;
  figures of, worn. 
Oxenham, Atlas
Oxydracae, the.
Oxus Valley and River.

Pacamuria (Baccanor). 
Pacauta! (an invocation). 
Pacem, see Pasei. 
Paddle-wheel barges. 
Paderin, Mr., visits Karakorum. 
Padishah Khatun of Kerman. 
Padma Sambhava. 
Pagan (in Burma),
  ruins at;
  empire of.
——­ Old (Tagaung). 
Pagaroyang, inscriptions from. 
Paggi Islands. 
Pagodas, Burmese,
  alleged Chinese in India. 
Pai, or Peyih tribe. 
Paipurth (Baiburt). 
Paizah, or Golden Tablet of Honour.
——­ and Yarligh
Pakwiha, China ware.
Pala, a bird. 
Palace of Khan at Chagannor,
  at Chandu (Shangtu);
  of cane;
  at Langtin;
  on Green Mount;
  at Kenjanfu (Si-ngan fu);
  of the Empire of Manzi at Kinsay;
  in Chipangu, paved and roofed with gold. 
Paliolle, Or de, for gold dust. 
Palladius, the Archimandrite. 
Palm (Measure). 
Palm Wine, see Wine of Palm. 
Pamier (Pamir), Plain of,
  its wild sheep;
  great height;
  pasture, etc.;
  described by Hiuen Tsang, Wood, Goes, Abdul Mejid, Colonel Gordon and
  Dr. M.A.  Stein on;
  Lord Curzon on number of. 
Pan-Asiatic usages. 
Pandarani, or Fandaraina. 
Pandit Manphul. 
Pandrethan in Kashmir, Buddhist temple at. 
Pandyan kings. 
Panja River, or Upper Oxus. 
Pantaleon, coins of. 
Panthe, or Mahomedan Kingdom in Yun-nan. 
Panya (or Pengya), in Burma. 
Pao-ki h’ien. 
Paonano Pao. 
Pape, Papesifu. 
Paper-money (Chao), Kublai’s made from bark,
  modern. (See also Currency.). 
Papien River. 
Paquier, Professor. 
Paradise, Apples of.
——­ in legend of the Cross.
——­ of Persia.
——­ of the Old Man of the Mountain,
——­ Rivers of. 
Parakrama Bahu I.
Paramisura, founder of Malacca.
Parez, Pariz, turquoise mines of.
——­ falcons of. 
Pariahs (Paraiyar),
  etymology of. 
Parker, E.H. 
Parlak, or Perlak, see Ferlec.
——­ Tanjong. 
Parliament, Tartar. 
Parpa iron mines. 
Parrot, Professor, first to ascend Mount Ararat. 

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.