The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
Ning-hsia, or hia (Egrigaia). 
Ning-yuan fu. 
Niriz, steel mines of. 
Nirvana, figures of Buddha in. 
Niuche (Yuche), Chinese name for the Churches or race of Kin Empire. 
Noah’s Ark in Armenia. 
Nobles of Venice,
  Polo’s claim to be one. 
Nochdarizari, mountains north of Kabul. 
Nogai Khan,
  his intrigues and wars;
  his history;
  wars with Toctai. 
Nogodar (Nigudar), King of the Caraonas, story of. 
Nomad tribes of Persia. 
Nomogan (Numughan), Kublai’s son. 
None, Nono, Nuna, title given to younger brothers or subordinate
North, regions of the Far. 
North Star, see Pole-Star. 
Note Book, Polo’s. 
Nubia, St. Thomas,
  alleged use of elephants in. 
Nukdaris, tribe west of Kabul. 
Nuksan Pass. 
Numbers, mystic or auspicious,
  one hundred and eight.
Nuna, see None. 
Nyuche, or Churche, race of Kin Emperors, see Niuche.

Oak of Hebron, see Terebinth. 
Oaracta (Kishm, or Brakht). 
Obedience of Ismaelites, extraordinary. 
Obi River. 
Observatory at Peking. 
Ocean Sea,
  other seas, parts of. 
Ocoloro Island. 
Odoric, Friar,
  on Kinsay;
  on Fu-chau;
  on sago tree;
  on products of Ceylon;
  St. Thomas’s;
  Pepper Forest;
Oger, the Dane. 
Ogotai Khan, see Okkodai. 
Oil from the Holy Sepulchre,
  fountain of (Naphtha) at Baku;
——­ head (Capidoglio, or Sperm whale).
——­ walnut and Sesame. 
Oirad, or Uirad (Horiad), a great Tartar tribe. 
Okkodai Khan, third son of Chinghiz. 
Olak, Illuk, Aulak, see Lac. 
Old Man of the Mountain (Aloadin),
  his envoys to St. Lewis;
  account of;
  how he trained his Assassins;
  the Syrian;
  his subordinate chiefs;
  his end;
  modern representative. 
Oljaitu Khan, his correspondence with European princes,
  his tomb. 
Omens, much regarded in Maabar,
  by the Brahmans. 
Onan Kerule, near Baikal. 
Ondanique (fine kind of steel), Andaine, Andanicum, Hundwaniy,
  in Kerman;
Oppert, Dr. Gustavus, Book on Prester John, Der Presbyter Johannes in
    Sage und Geschichte

Orang Gugu. 
Orang Malayu River.
Or Batuz
Orbelian, John, identified by Bruun with Prester John. 
Ordos, the Mongols of. 
Organa (Jerun), Persian Gerun. 
Oriental phrases in Polo’s dictation. 
Orkhon River. 
Orleans, defence of.
——­ Isle d’.
Orloks, or Marshals of the Mongol Host. 
Oron, Mongol for a region or realm.
Orphani, strange customs of the.
Osci, the word. 

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.