The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

Nac, Nasich, Naques (Nakh), a kind of brocade.
Nachetti, silk stuff interwoven with gold.
Nakhut, gold brocade. 
Nakkara (Naccara, Nacaires), the great kettledrum signalling action.
Nan-Chao, formerly Ai-Lao, Shan dynasty in Yun-nan. 
Nanghin (Ngan-king). 
Nangiass, Mongol name of Manzi. 
Nankau, archway in Pass of, with polyglot inscription. 
Nanking, not named by Polo. 
Naphtha in the Caucasian country.
——­ Fire used in war by the Karaunahs. 
Napier, Sir C.
Napoleon III.,
  his researches and experiments on mediaeval engines of war. 
Narin-Kaleh, fortress. 
Narkandam, volcanic island. 
Narsinga, King of. 
Narwhal tusk, mediaeval Unicorn’s Horn. 
Nasich, see Nac. 
Nasruddin (Nescradin), officer in the Mongol Service. 
Nassir-uddin, Mahmud, Sultan of Delhi. 
Natigay, Tartar idol. 
Nava-Khanda, or Nine Divisions of Ancient India. 
Navapa (Lop?). 
Naversa (ancient Anazarbus), in Cilicia, under Taurus. 
Nayan, Kublai’s kinsman, his revolt,
  Kublai marches against;
  routed in battle;
  put to death by Kublai.
earchus at Hormuz. 
Nebila and Mangla islands. 
Necklaces, precious. 
Necuveran, see Nicobar. 
Negapatam, Chinese Pagoda at. 
Negroes described. 
Nemej, Niemicz ("Dumb"), applied to Germans by Slavs. 
Nerghi, Plain of.
Neri (pigs). 
Nescradin, see Nasruddin.
Nesnas (a goblin). 
Nestorian Christians, at Mosul,
  Kampichu, Kan-chau;
  their diffusion in Asia;
  among the Mongols;
  Erguiul and Sinju;
  Yachi, or Yun-nan fu;
  one in Polo’s suite;
  churches at Chinghianfu;
  church at Kinsay;
  at St. Thomas;
  Patriarch of;
Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople. 
Nevergun Pass. 
New Year Festival at Kublai’s Court. 
Neza Tash Pass. 
Ngan-king (Nanghin). 
Ngan-ning-ho River. 
Ngantung, Mongol general. 
Ngo-ning, or Ho-nhi. 
Nia (ancient Ni-jang), in Khotan. 
Nias Island. 
Nibong Palm. 
Nicaea of Alexander. 
Nicholson, Edward B.
Nicobar (Necuveran) Islands,
  etymology and people. 
Nicolas of Pistoia. 
Nicolas, Christian name of Ahmad Sultan.
——­ Friar, of Vicenza. 
Nicolas IV., Pope. 
Nigudar (Nogodar), Mongol princes. 
Nigudarian bands. 
Nilawar (Nellore). 
Nile, sources of. 
Nimchah Musulman, “Half-and-Halfs”. 
Nine, auspicious number among Tartars. 
Nine Provinces (India),

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.