The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
Modun Khotan ("Wood-ville"). 
Mohammed, son of Yusuf Kelefi, founder of Shiraz. 
Mokli, the Jelair. 
Molebar, see Malabar. 
Moliere, Pastorale Comique
Monasteries of Idolaters (Buddhists). 
Money, paper.
——­ values. 
Mongol conquests,
  capture Soldaia;
  treachery and cruelty;
  their inroads;
  Bakh city;
  invade Balakhshan;
  invasion of Poland and Silesia. 
Mongon Khan, see Mangu. 
Mongotay (Mangkutai), a Mongol officer. 
  passed off as pygmies. 
Monks, idolatrous. (See Monasteries.). 
Monnier, Marcel, his visit to Karakorum,
  on the Ch’eng-tu Suspension Bridge. 
Monoceros and Maiden, legend of. 
Montecorvino, John, Archbishop of Cambaluc. 
Monte d’Ely. 
Montgomerie, Major T.G. (R.E.) (Indian Survey),
  on fire at great altitudes;
  position of Kashgar and Yarkund. 
Monument at Si-ngan fu, Christian. 
Moon, Mountains of the. 
Moore, Light of the Harem
Moplas, see Mapillas. 
Morgan, E. Delmar. 
Mortagne, siege of.
Morus alba, silk-worm tree. 
Moscow, Tartar Massacre at. 
Mosolin, or Muslin (Mosolini), Mo-sze, Arab Maucili. 
Mossos, a tribe. 
Mosta’sim Billah, last Abbaside Khalif of Baghdad,
  story of his avarice and death.
Mosul (Mausul). 
Motapalle, see Mutfili. 
Motawakkil, Khalif. 
Moule, Bishop G.E. 
Mount, Green, in Palace grounds at Peking.
——­ St Thomas.
——­ D’Ely, see Monte d’Ely. 
Mountain, Old Man of the, see Old Man of the.
——­ Miracle of the.
——­ Road in Shensi, extraordinary. 
Mourning customs,
  at Hormuz;
  in Tangut;
  at Kinsay. 
Mozambique Channel. 
Muang, term applied in Shan countries (Laos and W. Yunnan) to fortified.
    towns, as:—­
  Muang, or Maung Maorong;
  Muang Shung;
  Muang Yong. 
Mulahidah (Mulehet, Alamut, Chinese Mulahi), epithet of Ismaelites. 
Mulberry Trees. 
Mueller, F.W.K. 
Mueller, Professor Max,
  on Couvade;
  on stories of Buddha and St. Josafat. 
Munal pheasant (Lopophorus impeyanus), described by Aelian. 
Mung (Nicaea). 
Mungasht, hill fort, stronghold of the Atabegs. 
Mungul, name applied to Tartars. (See Mongol.). 
Mungul-Temur and Mongo-Temur, see Mangu-Temur. 
Murad Beg, of Kunduz. 
Murghab River. 
Murray, Dr. J.A.H., on Couvade.
——­ Hugh. 
Murus Ussu (Brius, Upper Kiang). 
Mus, Merdin (Mush, Mardin). 
Musa’ud, Prince of Hormuz. 
Musk, animal (Moschus).
——­ earliest mention of and use in medicine. 
Muslin, see Mosolin. 
Mutfili (Motapalle for Telingana),
  its diamonds;
Mystic number, see Numbers.

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.