The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
Maestro, or Great Bear, said to be invisible in Sumatra. 
Magadoxo, confused with Madagascar. 
Magapatana, near Ceylon. 
Magi, the three,
  legend as told by Mas’udi;
  source of fancies about;
  names assigned to. 
Magic, of Udyana,
  Lamaitic, (See also Sorcerers.). 
Magical darkness (dry fog and dust storms). 
Magnet, Mount. 
Mahar Amlak, king of Abyssinia. 
Mahmud Kalhati, prince of Hormuz. 
Mahmud of Ghazni. 
Mahmudiah Canal. 
Mahomed (Mahommet),
  his account of Gog and Magog;
  his Paradise;
  his alleged prophecy of the Mongols;
  his use of mangonels. 
Mahomed, supposed worship of idols of.
——­ II., uses the old engines of war.
——­ Tarahi.
——­ Tughlak of Delhi, his copper token currency.
——­ Shah of Malacca. 
Mahomedan revolts in China.
——­ conversion of Malacca.
——­ conversion of states in Sumatra.
——­ butchers in Kashmir.
——­ butchers in Maabar.
——­ king of Kayal.
——­ merchants at Kayal.
——­ settlements on Abyssinian coast. 
Mahomedans (Saracens),
  in Turcomania;
  in and near Mausul;
  their universal hatred of Christians;
  in Tauris;
  in Persia;
  their hypocrisy about wine;
  at Yezd;
  Wakhan, etc.;
  strife with Christians in Samarkand;
  Tenduc, their half-breed progeny;
  in northern frontier of China, alleged origin of: 
  their gibes at Christians;
  Kublai’s dislike of;
  in Yun-nan;
  in Champa;
  in Sumatra;
  troops in Ceylon;
  pilgrims to Adam’s Peak;
  honour St. Thomas;
  in Kesmacoran;
  in Madagascar;
  in Abyssinia;
  in Aden;
  outrage by;
  at Esher;
  Ahmad Sultan one. 
Mailapur (Shrine of St. Thomas). 
Maistre, the word. 
Maitreya Buddha. 
Majapahit, empire of (Java). 
Majar (Menjar). 
Major, R.H., on Australia. 
Makdashan, see Magadoxo. 
Malabar, Melibar, Malibar, Manibar,
  imports, Chinese ships in. 
  foundation of;
Malacca, Straits of. 
Malaiur, island and city. 
Mal-Amir, or Aidhej. 
Malay Peninsula,
  invasion of Ceylon;
  origin of many geographical names. 
Malayo, or Tana Malayu. 
Malcolm, Sir John. 
Maldive Islands. 
Male in Burma. 
Male and Female Islands,
  legend widely diffused. 
Malik al Dhahir, king of Samudra.
——­ al Mansur.
——­ al Salih, king of Samudra.
Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.