The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
Kutuktemur, Kublai’s son. 
Kutulun, Princess. 
Kuwinji, see Kaunchi. 
Kuyuk Khan. 
Kwa-chau (Caiju), at mouth of Great Canabon Yang-tse-Kiang. 
Kwan Hsien. 
Kwawa, i.e.  Java, etymology. 
Kwei-chau (Cuiju). 
Kwei-hwa-ch’eng, or Kuku Khotan. 
Kweilei River. 
Kyung-sang province.

Lac (Wallachia), Lacz. 
Ladies’ dresses in Badakhshan. 
Ladies of Kinsay. 
Lahore (Dalivar, Dilivar). 
Lajwurd mines. 
Lake, Caindu.
——­ Fanchau.
——­ Kinsay.
——­ of Palace at Cambaluc.
——­ Pleasure parties on.
——­ Talifu.
——­ Yunnan-fu. 
Lakshamana Deva, king of Kashmir. 
Lamas of Tibetan Buddhism;
  their superstitions and rites;
  their monasteries;
  marriage. (See also Bakhshi.). 
  kingdom of;
  situation of. 
Lances of Sago Palm. 
Land of Darkness,
  market in. 
Langting Balghasun. 
Languages used in Mongol Court and administration. 
Lanja Balus, or Lankha balus. 
Lanka (Ceylon). 
Lan Ki Hien (Nan-Che-hien). 
Lanner Falcons. 
Lan-tsang kiang (Mekong) River. 
Lao-Kiun, or Lao-Tseu, the Philosopher. 
Laos, people of. 
Lar, or Lat-Desa.
——­ province. 
Latin version of Polo’s Book. 
Latins, the term. 
Latse, Tibetan for musk. 
Lauredano, Agnes.
Laurus Camphora
Lawek, Lawaki
Laxities of marriage customs, see Marriage. 
Layard, Mr.
Layas, see Ayas.
——­ Gulf of. 
  embroidered mats of Guzerat. 
  used for plates;
  green leaves said to have a soul. 
Lecomte on Chinese war vessels. 
Lembeser, Ismaelite fortress. 
Leon I., king of Lesser Armenia. 
Leon II., king of Lesser Armenia. 
Leon III., king of Lesser Armenia. 
Leon VI., last king of Lesser Armenia. 
  taught to sit on horseback;
  (Cheetas) kept for the Chase by Kublai. 
Lepechin, Professor. 
Le Strange, Guy. 
Leung Shan. 
Levant, term applied by Polo to the kingdom of the Mongol Khans. 
Lewis, see St. Lewis. 
Lewis XI. and XII. (France). 
Lew-sha, old Chinese name for Lop Desert. 
Leyes, see Ayas. 
  Labrang Monastery at.
Li, Chinese measure,
  supposed to be confounded with miles. 
Liampo (Ningpo). 
Liang, or tael. 
Liang-chau in Kansuh. 
Liao dynasty. 
Libanos, [Greek:  Libanophoros] and [Greek:  libanotophoros chora].
Libro d’Oro
Licinius, Emperor. 
Lide (Liti). 
Lieuli Ho. 
Lign-aloes (eagle-wood),
  in Sumatra. 
Ligurium, the precious stone, Liguire
Li H’ien, Tartar ruler of Tangut.
Likamankwas of Abyssinian kings. 

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.