The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
  his distribution of robes;
  his New Year’s feast;
  his elephants;
  the K’o-tow;
  adopts Chinese ancestor-worship;
  his game laws;
  his hunting establishment;
  his masters of hounds;
  how he goes a-hunting;
  how his year is spent;
  Ahmad’s influence, oppression, and death;
  his treatment of Mahomedans;
  his mint and paper-money;
  his purchase of valuables;
  his twelve great Barons;
  his posts and runners;
  remission of taxes;
  his justice;
  a tree planter;
  his store of corn;
  charity to the poor;
  his astrologers;
  gaol deliveries, and prohibition of gambling;
  his early campaign in Yun-nan;
  and the king of Mien and Bangala;
  Litan’s plot;
  sends Bayan to invade Manzi;
  his dealings with Bayan;
  satisfied with the Polo’s mangonels;
  appoints Mar Sarghis governor of Chinghian-fu;
  the city of Kinsay;
  his revenue from Kinsay;
  from Zayton;
  his expedition against Chipangu (Japan);
  sends force against Chamba;
  attempts to gain Java;
  his death;
  sends to buy Ceylon ruby;
  sends for religions of Sakya;
  testifies to miraculous powers of Sakya’s dish;
  intercourse with Ma’bar;
  with Kaulam;
  missions to Madagascar;
  Kaidu’s wars with him.
——­ Khan, territories and people subject to (Turkistan),
  (Tangut and Mongolia);
  (Tibetan frontier and Yun-nan);
  (Western China);
  (N.  Eastern China);
Kuche character.
Kudatku Bilik, an Uighur poem. 
Kuhistan, or Hill country of Persia. 
Kukachin, see Cocachin. 
Kukju (Genkju), Kublai’s son. 
Kuku-Khotan (Blue Town), depot for Mongolian trade with China. 
Ku-kwan, Customs’ Barrier. 
Kulab, lions in,
  Salt Mines. 
Kulan, Asinus Onager, the Gor Khar of Persia. 
Kumar, see Komar. 
Kumhari, Kumari, see Comari. 
Kumiz, kimiz (kemiz), Mare’s milk, Tartar beverage,
  sprinkling of. 
Kunburn Monastery. 
Kunduz (beaver or sable). 
Kung-ki-cheng (Fei-ch’eng). 
Kungurats, Kunkurats (Ungrat), a Mongol tribe.
Kunichi (Cunichi, or Chinuchi), “The Keepers of the Mastiff Dogs”. 
Kuniyah (Conia), Iconium, Koniah. 
Kunlun (Pulo Condore). 
Kurd dynasty. 
Kurdistan (Curdistan). 
Kurds, the. 
Kureh-i-Ardeshir (Kuwashir). 
Kuria Maria Islands. 
Kuridai, Kublai’s son.
Kurkah, great drum. 
Kurshids of Luristan.
Kurut (Curd). 
Kus, Cos (in Egypt). 
Kushluk, the Naiman. 
Kutan, son of Okkodai. 
Kutchluk Khan (Buddhist), Chief of the Naimans. 
Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.