The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

Kaan, and Khan, the titles. 
Kaan, the Great, see Kublai. 
Kaans, the series of, and their burial place,
  massacre of all met by funeral party. 
Kachkar (Ovis Vignei), wild sheep. 
Kafirs of Hindu Kush,
  their wine.
Kahgyur, Tibetan Scripture. 
Kaidu (Caidu) Khan, Kublai’s cousin and life-long opponent,
  plots with Nayan;
  his differences with Kublai;
  and constant aggressions;
  his death;
  his victorious expedition v. Kublai;
  Kublai’s resentment;
  his daughter’s valour;
  sends a host v. Abaga. 
Kaifung-fu, Jews and their synagogues there,
  siege of. 
Kaikhatu (Kiacatu), Khan of Persia, seizes throne,
  his paper-money scheme;
  his death;
  his dissolute character. 
Kaikhosru I. and III., Seljukian dynasty. 
Kaikobad I. and III. 
Kaikus, Izz ed-din. 
Kail, see Cail. 
Kain (Ghain), a city of Persia. 
Kaipingfu (Keibung, Kaiminfu, Kemenfu). 
Kais, see Kish. 
Kaisariya (Caesaraea, Casaria). 
Kajjala, or Khajlak, a Mongol leader. 
Kakateya, dynasty. 
Kakhyens, Kachyens, tribe in Western Yun-nan. 
Kala’ Atishparastan (Cala Ataperistan), “The Castle of the
Kala’ Safed. 
Kalajan (Calachan). 
Kalchi, Kalakchi. 
Kales Devar, king of Ma’bar,
  his enormous wealth. 
Kalgan, or Chang-kia-keu. 
Kalhat (Kalhatu, Calatu, Calaiate),
  idiom of. 
Kalidasa, the poet, on the Yak. 
Kalin, marriage prices. 
Kalmia angustifolia, poisonous. 
Kamal Malik. 
Kamarah, Komar. 
Kamasal (Conosalmi), Kahn-i-asal, “The honey canal”. 
Kambala, Kublai’s grandson. 
Kambayat (Cambay). 
Kamboja (Chinla). 
Kampar, district and River, Buddhist ruins. 
Kamul (Komal, Camul), the Mongol Khamil, Chinese Hami.
Kanat, or Karez, underground stream. 
Kanat-ul-Sham (Conosalmi). 
Kanbalu Island. 
Kanchau (Campichu). 
Kandahar, Kandar, Ghandhara. 
Kanerkes, or Kanishka, kingdom,
  coins of. 
Kang-hi, Emperor. 
Kanp’u (Ganpu), old Port of Hang-chau. 
Kansan, see Shensi. 
Kao Hoshang. 
Kao-Tsung, Emperor. 
Kao-yu (Cayu). 
Kapukada, Capucate.
Karabugha, Carabya, Calabra, a military engine. 
Kara Hulun. 
Karajang (Carajan, or Yun-nan). 
Karakash ("black jade”) River. 
Karakhitaian Empire.
——­ Princes of Kerman. 
Kara Khoja. 
Karakorum (Caracoron).
Kara Kumiz, special kind of Kumiz
Karamuren (Caramoran) River, Mongol name for the Hwang-ho, or Yellow River.
Karana, meaning of. 
Karani (vulgo Cranny). 

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.