The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
Isentemur (Sentemur, Essentemur), Kublai’s grandson. 
Ish, the prefix. 
Iskandar, Shah of Malacca. 
Islands, of the Indian Sea,
  of China;
  in the Gulf of Cheinan;
  Male and Female. 
Isle d’Orleans. 
Isle of Rubies (Ceylon). 
Ismail, Shah of Persia. 
Ismailites, see Assassins. 
Ispahan (Istanit, Istan, Spaan), kingdom of Persia. 
Israel in China, see Jews. 
Iteration, wearisome. 
Ivory trade. 
Izzuddin Muzaffar, suggests paper-money in Persia.

Jacobite Christians, at Mosul,
  at Tauris;
  perhaps in China. 
Jacobs, Joseph, Barlaam and Josaphat.
Jadah or Yadah-Tash
Jade stone (jasper) of Khotan. 
Jaeschke, Rev. H.A. 
Jaffa, Count of, his galley. 
Jaipal, Raja. 
Jalaluddin of Khwarizm. 
Jamaluddin-al-Thaibi, Lord of Kais. 
Jamaluddin, envoy from Ma’bar to Khanbaligh. 
Jambi River. 
James of Aragon, king. 
Jamisfulah (Gauenispola). 
Jamui Khatun,
  Kublai’s favourite Queen;
  her kindness to the captured Chinese princesses. 
Jangama sect. 
Janibeg, Khan of Sarai. 
Japan, see Chipangu. 
Japanese paper-money. 
Jase, stitched vessel. 
Jaspar (Gaspar), one of the Magi. 
Jasper and chalcedony. 
Jatolic, Jathalik, Jaselic, Gathalik ([Greek:  katholikos]). 
Jauzgun, former captain of Badakhshan. 
Java, the Great,
  circuit, empires in;
  Kublai’s expedition against. 
Java, the Greater and Lesser, meaning of these terms. 
Java, the Less, see Sumatra. 
Jawa, Jawi,
  applied by Arabs to islands and products of the Archipelago generally. 
Jaya-Sinhavarman II., king of Champa. 
Jehangir (Jehan, Shah). 
Jenkinson, Anthony. 
Jerun (Zarun), island, site of the later Hormuz. 
Jesuit maps. 
Jesujabus, Nestorian Patriarch. 
Jews, their test of Mahomed’s prophetic character,
  shut up by Alexander;
  their connection with the Tartars;
  in China, their inscription at Kaifungfu;
  in Coilum;
  in Abyssinia. 
——­ Nakus, or “Hill of the Bell,” Sinai desert. 
Jibal-ul-Thabul, “Hill of Drums,” near Mecca. 
Jogis (Chughi). 
John XXII., Pope. 
Johnson, his visit to Khotan. 
Johnston, Keith. 
Johore, Sultan of. 
Jon (Jihon, or Oxus) River. 
Jordanus, Friar. 
Jor-fattan (Baliapatan). 
Jubb River. 
Judi, Mount. 
Jugglers, at Khan’s feasts,
  and gleemen conquer Mien. 
Juggling extraordinary. 
Juji, eldest son of Chinghiz. 
Juju (Cho-chau). 
Junghuhn, on Batta cannibalism,
  on camphor trees. 
Junks. (See also Ships.). 
Justice, administration of Tartar. 
Justinian, Emperor. 
Juzgana (Dogana).

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.