The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
Hassan Kala, hot springs at. 
Hassan, son of Sabah, founder of the Ismailites. 
Hastings, Warren, letter of. 
Hatan, rebellion of. 
Haunted deserts. 
Havret, Father H.
Hawariy (Avarian), the term. 
Hawks, hawking in Georgia,
  Yezd and Kerman;
  among the Tartars;
  on shores and islands of Northern Ocean
  Kublai’s sport at Chagannor;
  in mew at Chandu;
  trained eagles;
  Kublai’s establishment of;
  in Tibet;
Hayton I. (Hethum), king of Lesser Armenia,
  his autograph. 
Hazaras, the, Mongol origin of,
  lax custom ascribed to. 
Hazbana, king of Abyssinia. 
Heat, great at Hormuz,
  in India. 
Heaven, City of (Kinsay). 
Hedin, Dr. Sven. 
Heibak, caves at. 
Height, effects on fire of great. 
Heikel, Professor Axel, on Buddhist monasteries in the Orkhon. 
Hei-shui (Mongol Etsina) River. 
Hel, Ela (Cardamom). 
Helena, Empress. 
Helli, see Eli. 
He-lung Kiang. 
Hemp of Kwei-chau. 
Henry II., Duke of Silesia. 
Henry III. 
Heraclius, Emperor,
  said to have loosed the shut-up nations. 
Hereditary trades. 
Hereford, Map. 
Hermenia, see Armenia. 
Hermits of Kashmir. 
Hethum, see Hayton. 
Hiai- or Kiai-chau (Caichu?). 
Hides (See Leather.). 
Hili, Hili-Marawi, see Ely. 
Hill-people of Fo-kien, wild. 
Hinaur, see Hunawar. 
Hindu character, remarks on frequent eulogy of.
——­ Kush. 
Hindus, their steel and iron.
——­ in Java. 
Hing-hwa, language of. 
Hippopotamus’ teeth. 
Hips, admiration of large. 
Hirth, Dr. F.
Hiuan-Tsung, Emperor. 
Hiuen Tsang, Dr., a Buddhist monk. 
Hochau, in Sze-chwan, Mangku Khan’s death at.
——­ in Kansuh. 
Hochung-fu (Cachanfu). 
Hodgson, Mr.
Hoernle, Dr.
Hokien-fu (Cacanfu). 
Hokow, or Hokeu. 
Holcombe, Rev. C.,
  on Hwai-lu;
  on Yellow River;
  on Pia-chau fu;
  on road from T’ung-kwan to Si-ngan fu. 
Hollingworth, H.G. 
Holy Sepulchre,
  oil from lamp of. 
Homi-cheu, or Ngo-ning.
Homme, its technical use. 
Hondius map. 
Ho-nhi, or Ngo-ning (Anin) tribe (See Homi-cheu.). 
Hooker, Sir Joseph, on bamboo explosion. 
Horiad (Oirad, or Uirad) tribe. 
Hormuz (Hormos, Curmosa),
  trade with India;
  a sickly place;
  the people’s diet;
  great heat and fatal wind;
  crops, mourning customs;
  the king of;
  another road to Kerman from;
  route from Kerman to;
  site of the old city;
  foundation of;
  history of;
  horses exported to India from;
  the Melik of.
——­ Island, or Jerun,
  Organa of Arian. 
Horns of Ovis Poli. 
Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.