The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
  character by old Italian author;
  capture of Soldaia;
  their navigation of the Caspian;
  trade in box-wood;
  their merchants at Tabriz;
  in Fo-kien. 
Gentile Plural names converted into local singulars. 
Geographical Text of Polo’s Book constantly quoted,
  its language;
  proofs that it is the original;
  source of other texts. 
George (Jirjis, Yurji, Gurgan), king of Tenduc,
  of the time of Prester John;
  a possible descendant of. 
Georgia (Georgiana), beauty of,
  and its inhabitants;
  their kings. 
Gerfalcons (Shonkar);
  tablets engraved with. 
Gerini, Colonel. 
German Follower of the Polos. 
Ghaissuddin Balban (Asedin Soldan), Sultan of Delhi. 
Gharan country, ruby mines in. 
Ghazan (Casan) Khan of Persia, son of Arghun,
  his regard for the Polos;
  marries the Lady Kukachin;
  his mosque at Tabriz;
  set to watch the Khorasan frontier;
  obtains the throne;
  his object and accomplishments. 
Ghel, or Ghelan (Ghel-u-chelan), Sea of, Caspian Sea. 
Ghelle (Gili), silk of the Gil province. 
Ghes, or Kenn (formerly Kish or Kais).
Ghez tree. 
Ghiyas ed-din, last Prince of Kurd dynasty. 
Ghori, or Aksarai River.
Ghuls, goblins. 
Giglioli, Professor H.
Gil, or Gilan, province. 
Gill, Captain (River of Golden Sand). 
Ginao, Mt. and Hot Springs. 
Gindanes of Herodotus. 
  alleged to grow in Kiangnan;
  different qualities and prices of;
  mediaeval notices of. 
Girardo, Paul. 
Girdkuh, an Ismailite fortress, its long defence. 
Girls, consecrated to idols in India. 
Gittarchan, see Astrakhan. 
Glaza (Ayas, q.v.). 
Gleemen and jugglers, conquer Mien. 
Gobernador, Straits of. 
Goes, Benedict. 
Gog and Magog (Ung and Mungul),
  legend of;
  rampart of;
  country of;
  name suggested by Wall of China. 
Goitre at Yarkand. 
Golconda diamond mines. 
Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh, their mystic meaning. 
Gold dust in Tibet,
  exchanged for salt in Caindu;
  Brius River;
  in Kin-shia-Kiang;
  and nuggets in Carajan;
  abundant in Yun-nan;
  infinite in Chipangu;
  in Sea of Chin Islands;
  dust in Gulf of Cheinan Islands;
  not found in Java;
  in Locac;
  the Malayo-Siamese territories;
  vast accumulations in South India;
  imported into Malabar;
  and into Cambay;
  purchased in Socotra. 
Gold and silver towers of Mien.
——­ cloths of. (See Silk and Gold.).
——­ of the Gryphons in Herodotus.
——­ Teeth (Zardandan), Western Yun-nan.
——­ to silver, relative value of. 
Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.