The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
  Punnei-Kayal, Kayal;
  Kollam (Coilum);
  Hili (Ely);
  Mangla and Nebila;
——­ Chinese. 
  procured from Bengal. 
  said to flow into the Caspian.
Euxine, see Black Sea. 
Evelyn’s Diary
Execution of Princes of the Blood, mode of. 

Facen, Dr. J.
Faghfur (Facfur, Emperor of Southern China),
  meaning of title;
  his effeminate diversions;
  decay of his palace. 
Faizabad in Badakhshan. 
Fakhruddin Ahmad, Prince of Hormuz. 
Falconers, Kublai’s. 
Falcons, of Kerman,
  Saker and Lanner;
Famine, horrors.
Fanchan, P’ingchang, title of a second class Cabinet Minister. 
Fanchan Lake. 
Fan-ching, siege of. 
Fang, see Squares. 
Fansur, in Sumatra, kingdom of. 
Fansuri camphor. 
Fan Wen-hu, or Fan-bunko, a General in Japanese Expedition. 
Fariab, or Pariab. 
Faro of Constantinople. 
Farriers, none in S. India. 
Fars, province. 
Fashiyah, Atabeg dynasty. 
Fasting days, Buddhist. 
Fattan, in Ma’bar. 
Fatten, ’Ali Shah. 
Fausto, Vettor, his Quinquereme. 
Fazl, Ibn Hassan (Fazluieh-Hasunieh). 
Feili, Lurs dynasty. 
Female attendants on Chinese Emperors. 
Ferlec, in Sumatra, kingdom of (Parlak),
  Hill people. 
Fernandez, or Moravia, Valentine. 
Ferrier, General. 
Festivals, Order of the Kaan’s. 
Fiag, or Pog River.
Ficus Vasta.
Fidawi, Ismailite adepts. 
Filial Piety in China. 
Filippi, Professor F. de, Silk industry in Ghilan. 
Fiordelisa, daughter of younger Maffeo Polo.
——­ supposed to be Nicolo Polo’s second wife.
——­ wife of Felice Polo. 
Firando Island. 
Firdus, Ismailite Castle. 
Fire, affected by height of Pamir Plain,
  regulations at Kinsay. 
Fire-baptism, ascribed to Abyssinians. 
Fire-Pao (cannon?). 
Fire-worship, or rockets, in Persia,
  by the Sensin in Cathay. 
Firishta, the historian. 
Fish miracle in Georgia,
  in the Caspian;
  and date diet;
  supply at Kinsay;
  food for cattle;
  stored for man and beast. 
Fish-oil, used for rubbing ships. 
Florin, or ducat. 
Flour (Sago), trees producing. 
Flueckiger, Dr.
Fog, dry. 
Fo-kien, see Fu-chau. 
Folin (Byzantine Empire). 
Foot-mark on Adam’s Peak, q.v.
Foot-posts in Cathay. 
Formosa, Plain (Harmuza). 
Forsyth, Sir T. Douglas. 
Fortune, R.
Foundlings, provision for. 

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.