The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
Cooper, T.T., traveller on Tibetan frontier. 
Copper, token currency of Mahomed Tughlak,
  imported to Malabar;
  to Cambay. 
Coral, valued in Kashmir, Tibet, etc
Corea (Kauli). 
Corn, Emperor’s store and distribution of. 
Coromandel (Maabar), see Mabar. 
Corsairs, see Pirates. 
Corte del Milione, see Ca’ Polo.
——­ Sabbionera at Venice. 
Cosmography, mediaeval.
Cotan, see Khotan. 
Cotton, stuffs of,
  at Merdin;
  in Persia;
  at Kashgar;
  bushes of gigantic size. 
Counts in Vokhan,
  at Dofar. 
Courts of Justice, at Kinsay.
Couvade, custom of. 
Cow-dung, its use in Maabar. 
Cowell, Professor. 
Cowries (porcelain shells, pig shells), used for money, etc.,
  procured from Locac.
Cralantur, its meaning (?). 
Cramoisy (quermesis). 
Cranes, five kinds of. 
Crawford, John. 
  in Middle Ages. 
Cremesor, Hot Region (Garmsir). 
Cribhoja (Cribhodja), country. 
Crocodiles, see Alligators. 
Cross, legend of the Tree of the,
  gibes against, on Nayan’s defeat;
  on monument at Singanfu. 
Cruelties, Tartar.
Crusca MS. of Polo. 
Cubeb pepper. 
Cubits, astronomical altitude estimated by. 
Cublay, see Kublai. 
Cudgel, Tartars’ use of. 
Cuiju (Kwei-chau), province. 
Cuinet, Vital, on Turkman villages,
  on Mosul Kurds. 
Cuncun (Han-Chung) province. 
Cunningham, General A.
Cups, flying. 
Curds and Curdistan. 
Currency, copper token, in India,
  Cowrie, see Cowries. 
Currency, paper, in China,
  attempt to institute in Persia;
  alluded to. 
Current, strong south along East Coast of Africa. 
Currents, Cape of, or Corrientes. 
Curtains, Persian. 
Curzola Island, Genoese victory at,
  Polo’s galley at;
  map of. 
Curzon, Lord,
  list of Pamirs.
——­ Hon. R., on invention of printing. 
Customs, Custom-houses. 
Cutch pirates. 
Cuxstac, Kuhestec. 
Cuy Khan (Kuyuk). 
Cycle, Chinese.
Cynocephali, the. 
Cypresses, sacred, of the Magians. 
Cyrus, his use of camels in battle near Sardis.

Dadian, title of Georgian kings. 
Da Gama. 
Dagroian, kingdom of, in Sumatra,
  probable position of. 
Dailiu (Tali). 
Daitu, Taidu, Tatu (Peking), Kublai’s new city of Cambaluc. 
Dakianus, city of (Camadi).
Dalada, tooth relique of Buddha. 
Dalai Lama, with four hands. 
Dalivar, Dilivar, Dilawar (Lahore), a province of India. 
  siege of. 
Damasks, with cheetas in them,
  with giraffes.

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.