The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
Chughis, see Jogis. 
Chungkwe, “Middle Kingdom”. 
Chung-tu, or Yen-King (Peking, see Cambaluc).
Churches, Christian, in Kashgar,
  early, in China;
  Chin-kiang fu;
  St. Thomas’s;
Churchin, or Niuche, Churche, Chorcha (the Manchu Country). 
Cielstan, Suolstan (Shulistan). 
Cinnamon, Tibet,
  story in Herodotus of;
Circumcision of Socotrans,
  forcible, of a bishop;
  of Abyssinians. 
Cirophanes, or Syrophenes, story of. 
Civet, of Sumatra. 
Clement IV., Pope.
  in Caindu. 
Coal (Polo’s blackstone),
  in Scotland in Middle Ages;
  in Kinsay. 
Cobbler, the one-eyed, and the miracle of the mountain. 
Cobinan (Koh-Banan). 
Cocachin (Kukachin), the Lady. 
Cochin-China, the mediaeval Champa (q.v.). 
Coco-nut (Indian nut). 
Coco Islands, of Hiuen T’sang. 
Cocos Islands. 
Coeur de Lion, his mangonels. 
Coffins, Chinese, in Tangut. 
Cogachin (Hukaji), Kublai’s son, King of Carajan. 
Cogatal, a Tartar envoy to the Pope. 
Coiganju (Hwaingan-fu). 
Coilum (Kollam, Kaulam, Quilon), kingdom of,
  identity of meaning of name;
  Church of St. George at;
  modern state of;
  Kublai’s intercourse with. 
Coilumin, columbino, colomni, so-called Brazil-wood,
Coins of Cilician Armenia,
  of Mosul;
  Agathocles and Pantaleon;
  Seljukian with Lion and Sun;
  found at Siang-Yang;
  King Gondophares;
  Tartar heathen princes with Mahomedan and Christian formulae. 
Coja (Koja), Tartar envoy from Persia to the Khan. 
Cold, intense, in Kerman,
  in Russia. 
“Cold Mountains”. 
Coleridge, verses on Kublai’s Paradise. 
Coloman, province.
Colombino, see Coilumin. 
Colon, see Coilum. 
Colossal Buddhas, recumbent. 
Columbum, see Coilum. 
Columbus, Polo paralleled with,
  remarks on. 
Comania, Comanians. 
Comari, Comori (Cape Comorin, Travancore),
  temple at. 
Combermere, Lord, prophecy applied to.
Comercque, Khan’s custom-house. 
Compartments, in hulls of ships. 
Compass, Mariner’s. 
Competitive Examinations in beauty. 
Conchi, King of the North. 
Concubines, how the Khan selects. 
Condor, its habits,
  Temple’s account of;
  Padre Bolivar’s of the African. 
Condur and Sondur.
Condux, sable or beaver. 
Conia, Coyne (Iconium). 
Conjurers, the Kashmirian,
  Lamas’ ex-feats.
  (see also Sorcerers.). 
Conosalmi (Kamasal). 
  Straits of. 
Convents, see Monasteries. 
Cookery, Tartar horse. 
Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.