The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
Carta Catalana, Catalan Map of 1375.
Carte, a la
Carts, Mongol. 
Casan, see Ghazan Khan. 
Casaria (Caesarea of Cappadocia). 
Cascar (Kashgar),
  Chaukans of. 
Casem, see Kishm. 
Caspian Sea (Sea of Ghel or Ghelan),
  ancient error about;
  its numerous names. 
Cassay, see Kinsay. 
——­ buds.
——­ fistula. 
Castaldi, Panfilo, his alleged invention of movable types. 
Castelli, P. Cristoforo di. 
Casvin (Kazvin), a kingdom of Persia. 
Catalan Navy. 
Cathay (Northern China),
  origin of name;
  coal in;
  Cambaluc, the capital of, see Cambaluc;
  Cathayans, v.  Ahmad;
  their wine;
  politeness, filial duty, gaol deliveries, gambling. 
  Catholicos, of Sis;
  of the Nestorians. 
Cators (chakors), great partridges. 
Cat’s Head Tablet. 
Cats in China. 
Caucasian Wall. 
Caugigu, province. 
Caulking, of Chinese ships. 
Cauly, Kauli (Corea). 
Causeway, south of the Yellow River. 
Cauterising children’s heads. 
Cavo de Eli.
——­ de Diab, ii. 417_n_. 
Cayu (Kao-yu). 
Celtic Church. 
Census, of houses in Kinsay,
Ceremonial of Mongol Court, see Etiquette. 
Ceylon (Seilan),
  circuit of;
  etymology of;
  customs of natives;
  mountain of Adam’s (alias Sagamoni Borcan’s) Sepulchre;
  history of Buddha;
  origin of idolatry;
  subject to China. 
Ceylon, King of, his pearl-ponds. 
Chachan (Charchan, Charchand). 
Chagatai (Sigatay), Kublai’s uncle, son of Chinghiz. 
Chaghan-Nor ("White Lake"), N.E. of Kamul.
——­ (Chaghan, or Tsaghan Balghasun), site of Kublai’s palace. 
Chairs, silver.
Chakor (cator), great partridges. 
Chalcedony and jasper. 
Chalukya Malla kings. 
Champa (Chamba), kingdom of,
  Kublai’s expedition;
  the king and his wives;
  invaded by king of Lukyn. 
Chandra Banu. 
Chandu (Shangtu), city of peace of Kublai. 
Chang-chau (Chinginju).
——­ in Fo-kien,
  Zayton (?);
  Christian remains at. 
Ch’ang Ch’un, travels
Changgan (Chang-ngan).
Chang-kia-Kau, the gate in the Great Wall. 
Chang K’ien. 
Chang-shan (Chanshan). 
Ch’ang Te (the Chinese traveller), Si Shi Ki
Chang Te-hui, a Chinese teacher. 
Chang-y (Chenchu). 
Chang Yao, Chinese general.
Chao de Bux (Cavo di Bussi), boxwood. 
Chaohien, Sung Prince.
Chao-Khanahs, bank-note offices in Persia. 
Chao Naiman Sume Khotan, or Shangtu, “city of the 108 temples”.
Chao, paper-money.
Chao, title of Siamese and Shan Princes. 
Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.