The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
Baiburt (Paipurth), Castle of. 
Baidu Khan,
  seizes throne of Persia;
  displaced and killed by Ghazan;
  alleged to be a Christian. 
Bailo, the title,
  etymology of. 
Bakhshi (Bacsi), Lamas,
  their enchantments;
  various meanings of the word. 
Bakhtyaris of Luristan, the. 
Baku, oil fields of,
  Sea of (Caspian).
Balad-ul-Falfal (Malabar).
Balalaika, a two-stringed Tartar instrument.
Balanjariyah, devoted lieges
Balas rubies. 
Baldac, see Baghdad.
Baldacchini (Baudekins), brocades made at Baghdad. 
Baldwin II. (de Courtenay), last Latin Emperor of Constantinople. 
Bali, Island of.
——­ in Abyssinia.
Balish (a money of account).
Balista, always a crossbow in mediaeval times. 
Balkh (Balc). 
Balkhash Lake. 
Ballads, Genoese, on sea-fights at Ayas and Curzola. 
Ballard, Mr.. 
Balor, Balaur, Bilaur, Malaur, Bolor.
Balos, Malacca boats with two rudders.
Balsamodendron Mukul
Balthazar, of the Magi. 
Balustrade, etymology of the word. 
Bamboo (always called canes by Polo),
  its multifarious uses;
  Kublai’s Chandu Palace made of;
  great, on banks of Caramoran river;
  explode loudly when burning;
  large in Tibet;
  ropes of;
  in Che kiang. 
Bamian, caves at,
  huge recumbent image at.
Bam-i-Duniah, “Roof of the World”. 
Bandar Abbas (Bandar-Abbasi). 
Bangala, see Bengal. 
Banzaroff, Dorji, on Shamanism. 
Baptism, accompanied by branding, in Abyssinia. 
Barac (Borrak), Khan of Chagatai,
  his war with Arghun. 
Baradaeus, Jacob, or James Zanzale, Bishop of Edessa. 
Barbaro, Josafat. 
Barbarossa, Frederic. 
Barberino, Francesco da.
Barda’at, saddle-cloths. 
Bardshir, Bardsir, Bard-i-Ardeshir. 
Bargu (Barguchin Tugrum, or Barguti), plain.
Barguerlac, Syrrhaptes Pallasii, a kind of sand grouse,
  its migration into England. 
Barin, Mongol tribe. 
Bark, money made from,
  fine clothes from. 
Barka (Barca), Khan, ruler of Kipchak,
  his war with Hulaku. 
Barkut, burgut (bearcoote), eagle trained to the chase. 
Barlaam and Josaphat, Story of Saints, from Legend of Buddha. 
Barley, huskless. 
Baron-tala, name applied by Mongols to Tibet. 
Barons (Shieng or Sing), Kaan’s twelve. 
Barozzi, Nicolo. 
Barros, John de,
  geography of. 
Barsauma (St. Barsamo). 
Barskul (Barscol), “Leopard Lake”. 
Bartizan, Kublai’s wooden. 
Barus, Barros (Sumatra), its camphor.
Barussae insulae.
Bashai (Pashai). 
Bashkirds, (Hungarians). 
Bashpah, Lama, and the Mongol character called after
Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.