The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
  how the Old Man trained them;
  murders by;
  their destruction;
  survival and recent circumstances of the sect. 
Asses, in Persia,
  in Mongolia;
  in Madagascar;
  in Abyssinia;
  in Far North. 
Asterius, Bishop of Amasia in Pontus. 
Astrakhan (Gittarchan). 
Astrology, -ers, in Tangut,
  of Chinghiz;
  at Kublai’s Court;
  at Cambaluc;
  of Tibet;
  at Kinsay;
  in Maabar;
  in Coilum. 
Astronomical instruments, ancient Chinese. 
Atabegs, of Mosul,
  of Lur;
  of Fars;
  of Yezd;
  of Kerman. 
Atjeh, see Achin. 
Atkinson’s Narratives, and their credibility. 
Atlas, Chinese, in Magliabecchian Library.
[Greek:  Attagas] (Black Partridge). 
Attalus, King. 
At-Thaibi family. 
Auberoche, Siege of. 
Audh (Oudh). 
Aufat, Ifat. 
Augury, see Omens. 
Aung Khan (Unc Can), see Prester John. 
Aurora, Ibn Fozlan’s account of. 
’Avah, Abah, Ava, one of the cities of the Magi. 
Avarian, epithet of S. Thomas. 
Avebury, Lord, on couvade
Avicenna’s classification of Iron.
Avigi, ’afci (falco montanus)
Axum, Inscription,
  Church of;
  Court of. 
Ayas (Layas, Aiazzo, etc.), port of Cilician Armenia,
  Sea fight at. 
Azure, Ultramarine (lapis armenus) Mines in Badakhshan,
  in Tenduc;

Baba Buzurg, worshipped by the Lurs. 
Baber, E. C, on Ch’eng-tu,
  on wild oxen of Tibet;
  Gold River (Brius);
  the word Caindu;
  Mekong River;
  site of battle between Kublai and king of Mien;
  descent of Mien. 
Baboons, etymology
Bab-ul-abwah, “The Gate of Gates,” Pass of Derbend. 
Babylon, Babylonia (Cairo or Egypt),
  Sultan of. 
Babylonish garments.
Baccadeo, indigo. 
Bacon, Roger,
  as geographer. 
Bacsi, see Bakhshi. 
Bactria, its relation to Greece. 
Bacu, Sea of (Caspian). 
Badakhshan (Badashan),
  its population;
  capitals of;
  Mirs of;
  legend of Alexandrian pedigree of its kings;
  depopulation of;
  forms of the name;
  great river of (Upper Oxus). 
Badger, Rev. Dr. G.P. 
Badgir, Wind-catchers. 
Badruddin Lu-lu, last Atabeg of Mosul.
Bafk (Baft). 
Baghdad (Baudas), Baldac, taken by Alau, Hulaku,
  its Khalif;
  the miracle of the mountain.
——­ Archbishop of.
——­ its indigo (baccadeo). 
Bagratidae, of Armenia,
  of Georgia. 
Bagration-Mukransky, Prince. 
Baharak, plain. 
Baha-uddin Ayaz, Wazir of Kalhaat. 
Baha-ul-hakh, the Saint of Multan. 
Bahranjird Village. 

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.