The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
——­ (Alawating of Mufali), an engineer in Kublai’s service.
——­ Khilji, Sultan of Delhi. 
Albenigaras, Mt. 
Al Biruni. 
Alboquerque, see D’Alboquerque. 
Alchemy, Kublai’s. 
Alexander the Great, allusions to legends and romances about,
  his rampart (Iron Gate);
  the curtains at a banquet given by;
  and the ferrum candidum;
  site of his battle with Darius;
  his wife Roxana;
  kills a lion;
  Princes claiming descent from (Zulcarniain);
  his horse Bucephalus;
  fixes chains on Adam’s Peak;
  said to have colonised Socotra;
  his tower on the border of Darkness. 
Alexander III., Pope. 
Alexander IV., Pope. 
  trade from India to.
Alhinde, Alfinde, Alinde, Al-hint
’Ali and Aliites. 
Alihaiya, Kublai’s general. 
Alligator, in Carajan,
  mode of killing;
  prophecy of Bhartpur about. 
Almanacs, Chinese (Tacuin). 
Aloes, Socotrine.
——­ wood, see Lign-aloes.
Alor, war cry. 
Al-Ramni, Al-Ramin, see Sumatra. 
Altai (Altay) Mountains,
  the Khan’s burial-place;
  used for the Khingan range. 
Altun-Khan, Mountain.
——­ sovereign. 
Amazons, fable of. 
  how got.
Amda Zion, king of Abyssinia,
  his wars v. Mahomedans;
  not the king mentioned by Polo. 
Ament, Rev. W.S.
Ameri, a kind of Brazil wood. 
Amien, Mien (Burma). 
Amita Buddha. 
Ammianus Marcellinus. 
Amphora, Anfora
Amu, Aniu, see Anin.
Amuki, devoted comrades of the king.
Anamis (Minao) River. 
Ananda, Kublai’s grandson. 
Anaurahta, king of Burma. 
Ancestor Worship. 
Anchors, Wooden.
Andaine, andena, andanicum, see Ondanique. 
Andaman (Angamanain) island,
  form of the word.
Andan, andun, Wotiak for steel. 
Andreas, king of Abyssinia. 
Andrew, Bishop of Zayton.
——­ Grand Duke of Rostof and Susdal.
Andromeda ovalifolia, poisonous. 
Angamanain, see Andaman. 
Angan, or Hamjam.
’Angka, gryphon, see Ruc. 
Angkor, ruins of. 
Ani in Armenia. 
Animal Patterns, see Patterns. 
Anin, province. 
Annals of the Indo-Chinese States. 
’An-nam, or Tong-king. 
Anselmo, Friar.
Anthropoides Virgo, the demoiselle. 
Antongil Bay, Madagascar. 
Aotonomoff, Spasski, his ascent of Ararat.
Apostoille, word used for Pope. 
Apples of Paradise (Konars). 
’Apuhota (Kapukada?). 
Apushka (Apusca), Tartar envoy from Persia. 
Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.