The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
    bre//uitade le quale pte da altri non sono tractate & parte piu //
    cosusamete dalchu gran ualente homini son state tocate & amagiore fede
    el psato auctore in psona e stato nel 1322. in//yerusalem Jn Asia
    menore chiamata Turchia i Arme//nia grande e in la picola.  Jn Scythia
    zoe in Tartaria in // persia Jn Syria o uero suria Jn Arabia in egipto
    alto // & in lo inferiore in libia in la parte grande de ethiopia in
    // Caldea in amazonia in india mazore in la meza & in la // menore in
    div’se sette de latini greci iudei e barbari chri//stiani & infideli &
    i molte altre prouincie como appare nel // tractato de sotto.—­Ends
    f. 114 verso:  Explicit Johannes d’Madeuilla impressus Medio//lani
    ductu & auspicijs Magistri Petri de corneno pre // die Callendas
    augusti M.CCCCLXXX.  Joha//ne Galeazo Maria Sfortia Vicecomitte Duce no
    // stro inuictissimo ac principe Jucondissimo.  Small 4to; ff. 114;
    sig. a-o x 8 = 112 ff.; 1 f. between a and b.

[17] Gesta Pont.  Leodiensium.—­Vita Radvlphi de Rivo ex eius
    scriptis:  “Obijt Radulphus anno, 1483.”

[18] This passage is not to be found in the Egerton MS. 1982, nor in the
    Latin versions.

[19] Bib.  Untersuchungen.

[20] Altenglische Sprachproben nebst einem Woerterbuche unter Mitwirkung
    von Karl Goldbeck herausgegeben von Eduard Maetzner.  Erster Band: 
    Sprachproben.  Zweite Abtheilung:  Prosa.  Berlin.  Weidmannsche
    Buchhandlung. (Vol. i. 1869, large 8vo, pp. 415; vol. i., John
, pp. 152-221.)

[21] Encyclopaedia.  Brit., p. 475.

[22] Nat.  Biog. p. 23-24.

[23] The Academy, x. p. 477.—­Encyclopaedia Britannica,
    9th ed., XV., p. 475.

[24] The // Voiage // and // Travaile // of // Sir John Maundevile, kt.
    // Which Treateth of the // Way to Hierusalem; and of // Marvayles of
    Inde, // With other // Ilands and Countryes. //—­Now publish’d
    entire from an Original MS. // in the Cotton Library. //—­London:  //
    Printed for J. Woodman, and D. Lyon, in // Russel-Street,
    Covent-Garden, and C. Davis, // in Hatton-Garden. 1725, 8vo, 5. ff. n.
    c.+pp. xvi.—­384+4 ff. n. c.

[25] The Voiage and Travayle of Sir John Maundeville Knight which treateth
    of the way towards Hierosallun and of marvayles of Inde with other
    ilands and countreys.  Edited, Annotated, and Illustrated in Facsimile
    by John Ashton....  London, Pickering & Chatto, 1887, large 8vo., pp.

[26] L.c. p. vi.

[27] The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundevile, Kt. which treateth of
    the way to Hierusalem; and of Marvayles of Inde, with other ilands and
    countryes.  Reprinted from the Edition of A.D. 1725.  With an
    introduction, additional notes, and Glossary.  By J.O.  Halliwell. 
    Esq., F.S.A., F.R.A.S.  London:  Published by Edward Lumley,
    M.D.CCC.XXXIX., 8vo, pp. xvii.-xii.-326.

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.