The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

PALLAS. Voyages dans plusieurs Provinces de l’Empire de Russie, &c.
Paris, Pan XI.

PAOLINO. Viaggio alle Indie, &c. da Fra P. da S. Bartolomeo.  Roma, 1796.

PEGOLOTTI.  See Della Decima.

PELERINS BOUDDHISTES, par Stan.  Julien.  This name covers the two works entered above under the heading H.T., the Vie et Voyages forming vol. i., and the Memoires, vols. ii. and iii.

PEREG.  QUAT. Peregrinatores Medii Aevi Quatuor, &c. Recens.  J.M. 
Laurent.  Lipsiae, 1864.


PRAIRIES D’OR.  See Mas’udi.


Q.R., QUAT.  RASHID. H. des Mongols de la Perse, par Raschid-ed-din, trad. &c. par M. Quatremere.  Paris, 1836.

QUAT.  MAK., QUATREMERE’S MAK. H. des Sultans Mamlouks de l’Egypte, par
Makrizi.  Trad. par Q.
Paris, 1837, seqq.

RAS MALA, or Hindoo Annals of Goozerat.  By A.K.  Forbes.  London, 1856.

REINAUD, REL. Relations des Voyages faits par les Arabes dans l’Inde et la Chine, &c. Paris, 1845.

——­, INDE, Mem.  Geog.  Histor. et Scientifique sur l’, &c. Paris, 1849.

RELAT., RELATIONS.  See last but one.

RICHTHOFEN, Baron F. VON. Letters (addressed to the Committee of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce) on the Interior Provinces of China.  Shanghai, 1870-72.

ROCKHILL, W.W. The Land of the Lamas.  London, 1891, 8vo.

——­ Diary of a Journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891 and 1892.  Washington, 1894, 8vo.

——­ The Journey of William of Rubruck.  London, Hakluyt Society, 1900, 8vo.

ROMAN., ROMANIN, Storia Documentata di Venezia.  Venezia, 1853, seqq.

RUB., RUBRUQUIS.  Cited from edition in Recueil de Voyages et de Memoires, tom. iv.  Paris, 1839.  See ROCKHILL.

S.S., SAN.  SETZ., SS.  SSETZ.  See Schmidt.

SANTAREM, Essai sur l’Hist. de la Cosmographie, &c. Paris, 1849.

SANUDO.  See Mar.  San.

SCHILTBERGER, Reisen des Johan.  Ed. by Neumann.  Muenchen, 1859.

SCHLEGEL, G. Geographical Notes, I.-XVI., in T’oung Pao,
Leiden, 1898-1901.

SCHMIDT. Geschichte der Ost-Mongolen, &c., verfasst von Ssanang-Ssetzen
.  St. Petersburg, 1829.

SONNERAT. Voyage aux Indes Orientales.  Paris, 1782.

SPRENGER. Post und Reise Routen des Orients.  Leipzig, 1864.

ST. MARTIN, M.J. Memoires Historiques et Geographiques sur l’Armenie, &c. Paris, 1818-19.

SYKES, MAJOR PERCY MOLESWORTH. Ten Thousand Miles in Persia, or Eight
Years in Iran
.  London, 1902, 8vo.

  Chap, xxiii. Marco Polo’s Travels in Persia.

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.