The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

DEVERIA, G. La Frontiere Sino-Annamite.  Paris, 1886, 8vo.

——­ Notes d’Epigraphie mongole-chinoise.  Paris, 1897, 8vo.  From the Jour.  As.

——­ Musulmans et Manicheens chinois.  Paris, 1898, 8vo.  From the Jour.  As.

——­ Stele Si-Hia de Leang-tcheou.  Paris, 1898, 8vo.  From the Jour.  As.

DICT.  DE LA PERSE. Dict.  Geog.  Hist. et Litt. de la Perse, etc.; par Barbier de Meynard.  Paris, 1861.

D’OHSSON. H. des Mongols.  La Haye et Amsterdam, 1834.

DOOLITTLE, Rev. J. The Social Life of the Chinese.  Condensed Ed.
London, 1868.

DOUET D’ARCQ. Comptes de l’Argenterie des Rois de France au XV’e
Paris, 1851.

DOZY AND ENGELMANN. Glossaire des Mots Espagnols et Portugais derives de l’Arabe. 2de.  Ed. Leyde, 1869.

DUCHESNE, ANDRE, Historiae Francorum Scriptores.  Lut.  Par. 1636-1649.

EARLY TRAVELS in Palestine, ed. by T. Wright, Esq.  Bohn, London, 1848.

EDRISI. Trad. par Amedee Jaubert; in Rec. de Voy. et de
, tom. v. et vi.  Paris, 1836-1840.

ELIE DE LAPRIMAUDAIE. Etudes sur le Commerce au Moyen Age.  Paris, 1848.

ELLIOT. The History of India as told by its own Historians.  Edited from the posthumous papers of Sir H.M.  Elliot, by Prof.  Dowson. 1867, seqq.

ERDMANN, Dr. FRANZ v. Temudschin der Unerschuetterliche.  Leipzig, 1862.

ERMAN. Travels in Siberia.  Transl. by W.D.  Cooley.  London, 1848.

ESCAYRAC DE LAUTURE. Memoires sur la Chine.  Paris, 1865.

ETUDE PRATIQUE, etc.  See Hedde.

FARIA Y SOUZA. History of the Discovery and Conquest of India by the
.  Transl. by Capt.  J. Stevens.  London, 1695.

FERRIER, J.P. Caravan Journeys, etc. London, 1856.

FORTUNE. Two Visits to the Tea Countries of China.  London, 1853.

FRANCISQUE-MICHEL. Recherches sur le Commerce, la fabrication, et l’usage des etoffes de Soie, etc. Paris, 1852.

FRESCOB. Viaggi in Terra Santa di L. Frescobaldi, etc. (1384). 
Firenze, 1862.

GARCIA DE ORTA. Garzia dall’ Horto, Dell’ Istoria dei semplici ed altre cose che vengono portate dall’ Indie Orientali, etc. Trad. dal Portughese da Annib.  Briganti.  Venezia, 1589.

GARNIER, FRANCIS. Voyage d’Exploration en Indo-Chine.  Paris, 1873.

GAUBIL. H. de Gentchiscan et de toute la Dinastie des Mongous
Paris, 1739.

GILDEM., GILDEMEISTER. Scriptorum Arabum de Rebus Indicis, etc.
Bonn, 1838.

GILL, CAPT.  WILLIAM. The River of Golden Sand ...  With an Introductory
Essay by Col.  HENRY YULE
....  London, 1880, 2 vol. 8vo.

GODINHO DE EREDIA. Malaca l’Inde meridionale et le Cathay reproduit en facsimile et traduit par M. LEON JANSSEN.  Bruxelles, 1882, 4to.

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.