The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

59.  CANTU, CESARE. Italiani Illustri Ritratti, 1873, vol. i. p. 147.

60.  MARSH, JOHN B. Stories of Venice and the Venetians ... illustrated by C. Berjeau.  London, 1873, 8vo, pp. vii.-418.

Chaps, VI., VII. and VIII. are devoted to Marco Polo.

61.  KINGSMILL, THOS.  W. Notes on the Topography of some of the Localities in Manji, or Southern China mentioned by Marco Polo. (Notes and Queries on China and Japan, vol. i. pp. 52-54.)

——­ Notes on Marco Polo’s Route from Khoten to China. (Chin.  Recorder, VII. 1876, pp. 338-343.)

62.  PAQUIER, J.B. Itineraire de Marco Polo a travers la region du Pamir au XIII’e siecle. (Bull.  Soc.  Geog., 1876, aout, pp. 113-128.)

63.  PALLADIUS, ARCHIMANDRITE. Elucidations of Marco Polo’s Travels in North-China, drawn from Chinese Sources. (Jour.  N.C.Br.R.As.Soc., x. 1876, pp. 1-54.)

Translated into English by A. Wylie and E. Bretschneider.  The Russian text has just been published (T. xxxviii. 1902, of the Isviestiya) by the Imp.  Russian Geog.  Society.

Sir Henry Yule wrote in the Addenda of the second edition: 

“And I learn from a kind Russian correspondent, that an early number of the J.  N. China Branch R. Asiatic Society will contain a more important paper, viz.:  Remarks on Marco Polo’s Travels to the North of China, derived from Chinese Sources; by the ARCHIMANDRITE PALLADIUS.  This celebrated traveller and scholar says (as I am informed):  ’I have followed up the indications of Marco Polo from Lobnor to Shangdu, and in part to Peking....  It would seem that I have been so fortunate as to clear up the points that remained obscure to Yule.’  I deeply regret that my book cannot now profit by these promised remarks.  I am not, however, without hope, that in the present edition, with its Appendices, some at least of the Venerable Traveller’s identifications may have been anticipated.”

The greater part of the notes of my late friend, the Archimandrite Palladius Katharov, have been incorporated in the present edition of Marco Polo.—­H.C.

64.  JIRECEK, JOSEF. Basen o pobiti Tataruv a “Million” Marka Pavlova, (Casopis Musea kralovstvi ceskeho, 1877, pp. 103-119).

65.  GEBAUER, J. Ein Beitrag zur Erklaerung der Koeniginhofer Handschrift. (J.  Gebauer, in Archiv fuer Slavische Philologie, Berlin, 1877, ii. pp. 143-155.)

66.  ZANETTI, V. Quattro Documenti inediti dell’ Archivio degli Esposti in Venezia (Marco Polo e la sua Famiglia—­Marin Falier).  Por V. Zanetti. (Archivio Veneto, xvi. 1878, pp. 95-110.)

See Calendar, Nos. 6, 19, and 20 for the three Documents relating to the Polo Family.

—­Marco Polo e la sua famiglia. (Ibid., xvii. 1879, pp. 359-362.) Letters of Comm.  G. Berchet and Yule regarding these documents.

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.