The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

40.  MACFARLANE, CHARLESE Romance of Travel.  London, C. Knight. 1846.

A good deal of intelligent talk on Marco Polo.

41.  MEYER, ERNST H.F. Geschichte der Botanik.  Koenigsberg, 1854-57.

In vol. iv, there is a special chapter on Marco Polo’s notices of plants.

42.  THOMAS, Professor G.M. Zu Marco Polo, aus einem Cod. ital.  Monacensis in the Sitzungsberichten der Muenchner Akademie, 4th March, 1862, pp. 261-270

43.  KHANIKOFF, NICOLAS DE. Notice sur le Livre de Marco Polo, edite et commente par M.G.  Pauthier.  Paris, 1866.  Extracted from the Journal Asiatique.  I have frequently quoted this with advantage, and sometimes have ventured to dissent from it.

44.  CAHIER, Pere.  Criticism of Pauthier’s Marco Polo, and reply by G. Pauthier, in Etudes Litteraires et Religieuses of 1866 and 1867.  Paris.

45.  BARTHELEMY ST. HILAIRE.  A series of articles on Marco Polo in the Journal des Savants of January-May, 1867, chiefly consisting of a reproduction of Pauthier’s views and deductions.

46.  DE GUBERNATIS, Prof.  ANGELO. Memoria intorno ai Viaggiatori italiani nelle Indie Orientali, dal secolo XIII. a tutto il XVI.  Firenze, 1867.

47.  BIANCONI, Prof.  GIUSEPPE. Degli Scritti di Marco Polo e dell’ Uccello RUC da lui menzionato. 2 parts large 8vo.  Bologna, 1862 and 1868, pp. 64, 40.

A meritorious essay, containing good remarks on the comparison of different Texts.

48.  KINGSLEY, HENRY. Tales of Old Travel renarrated.  London, 1869.

This begins with Marco Polo.  The work has gone through several editions, but I do not know whether the author had corrected some rather eccentric geography and history that were presented in the first.  Mr. Kingsley is the author of another story about Marco Polo in a Magazine, but I cannot recover the reference.

49.  NOTES AND QUERIES for CHINA AND JAPAN.  This was published from January, 1867, to November, 1870, at Hong-Kong under able editorship, and contained some valuable notes connected with Marco Polo’s chapters on China.

50.  GHIKA, Princess ELENA (Dora d’Istria). Marco Polo, Il Cristoforo Colombo dell’ Asia.  Trieste, 1869, 8vo, pp. 39.

51.  BUFFA, Prof.  GASPARE. Marco Polo, Orazione commemorativa, Letta nel R. Liceo Cristoforo Colombo il 24 marzo 1872.  Genova, 8vo, pp. 18.

52.  EDINBURGH REVIEW, January, 1872, pp. 1-36.  A review of the first edition of the present work, acknowledged by SIR HENRY RAWLINSON, and full of Oriental knowledge. (See also No. 19 supra.)

53.  OCEAN HIGHWAYS, for December, 1872, p. 285.  An interesting letter on Marco Polo’s notices of Persia, by Major OLIVER ST. JOHN, R.E.

54.  RICHTHOFEN, Baron F. VON. Das Land und die Stadt Caindu von Marco Polo, a valuable paper in the Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft fuer Erdkunde zu Berlin.  No. 1 of 1874, p. 33.

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.