The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

A review of the publication of the old French Text by the Soc. de Geographie.

26.  ANNALI UNIVERSALI DI STATISTICA.  Vol. xvi. p. 286.  Milano. 1828.  Article by F. CUSTODI.

27.  WALCKENAER, Baron C. Vies de plusieurs Personnages Celebres des temps anciens et modernes.  Laon, 1830, 2 vol. 8vo.

This contains a life of Marco Polo, vol. ii. pp. 1-34.

28.  ST. JOHN, JAMES AUGUSTUS. Lives of Celebrated Travellers.  London (circa 1831).

Contains a life of Marco Polo, which I regret not to have seen.

29.  COOLEY, W.D. Hist. of Maritime and Inland Discovery.  London, (circa 1831).

This excellent work contains a good chapter on Marco Polo.

30.  RITTER, CARL. Die Erdkunde von Asien.  Berlin, 1832, seqq.

This great work abounds with judicious comments on Polo’s Geography, most of which have been embodied in Buerck’s edition.

31.  DELECLUZE, M. Article on Marco Polo in the Revue des Deux Mondes for 1st July, 1832.  Vol. vii. 8vo, pp. 24.

32.  PAULIN PARIS.  Papers of much value on the MSS. of Marco Polo, etc., in Bulletin de la Soc. de Geographie for 1833, tom. xix. pp. 23-31; as well as in Journal Asiatique, ser.  II. tom. xii. pp. 244-54; L’Institut, Journal des Sciences, &c., Sect.  II tom. xvi.  Jan, 1851.

33.  MALTE-BRUN. Precis de la Geog.  Universelle, 4th Ed. par HUOT.  Paris, 1836.

Vol. i. (pp. 551 seqq.) contains a section on Polo, neither good nor correct.

34.  DE MONTEMONT, ALBERT. Bibliotheque Universelle des voyages.

In vol. xxxi. pp. 33-51 there is a Notice of Marco Polo.

35.  PALGRAVE, Sir FRANCIS. The Merchant and the Friar.  London, 1837.

The Merchant is Marco Polo, who is supposed to visit England, after his return from the East, and to become acquainted with the Friar Roger Bacon.  The book consists chiefly of their conversations on many subjects.

It does not affect the merits of this interesting book that Bacon is believed to have died in 1292, some years before Marco’s return from the East.

36.  D’AVEZAC, M. Remarks in his most valuable Notice sur les Anciens Voyages de Tartarie, &c., in the Recueil de Voyages et de Memoires publie par la Societe de Geographie, tom. iv. pp. 407 seqq.  Paris,1839.  Also article in the Bulletin de la Soc. de Geog., &c., for August, 1841; and in Journal Asiat. ser.  II. tom. xvi. p. 117.

37.  PARAVEY, Chev.  DE.  Article in Journ.  Asiatique, ser.  II. tom. xvi. 1841, p. 101.

38.  HAMMER-PURGSTALL, in Bull. de la Soc. de Geog., tom. iii.  No. 21, p. 45.

39.  QUATREMERE, ETIENNE.  His translations and other works on Oriental subjects abound in valuable indirect illustrations of M. Polo; but in Notices et Extraits des MSS. de la Bibliotheque du Rio, tom. xvi.  Pt. i. pp. 281-286, Paris, 1843, there are some excellent remarks both on the work itself and on Marsden’s Edition of it.

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The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.